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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AcceptHeaderMatcher | class | core/ |
Filters routes based on the media type specified in the HTTP Accept headers. |
AcceptHeaderMatcher.php | file | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMatcher::filter | function | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest | class | core/ |
Confirm that the mime types partial matcher is functioning properly. |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest.php | file | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::$fixtures | property | core/ |
A collection of shared fixture data for tests. |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::$matcher | property | core/ |
The matcher object that is going to be tested. |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::acceptFilterProvider | function | core/ |
Provides data for the Accept header filtering test. |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::testAcceptFiltering | function | core/ |
Tests that requests using Accept headers get filtered correctly. |
AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::testNoRouteFound | function | core/ |
Confirms that the AcceptHeaderMatcher throws an exception for no-route. |
AcceptHeaderMiddleware | class | core/ |
Example implementation of "accept header"-based content negotiation. |
AcceptHeaderMiddleware.php | file | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMiddleware::$app | property | core/ |
The app kernel. |
AcceptHeaderMiddleware::handle | function | core/ |
AcceptHeaderMiddleware::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new AcceptHeaderMiddleware instance. |
AcceptHeaderRoutingTestServiceProvider | class | core/ |
Service provider for the accept_header_routing_test module. |
AcceptHeaderRoutingTestServiceProvider.php | file | core/ |
AcceptHeaderRoutingTestServiceProvider::alter | function | core/ |
accept_header_matcher | service | core/ |
Drupal\accept_header_routing_test\Routing\AcceptHeaderMatcher | | file | core/ |
core/modules/system/tests/modules/accept_header_routing_test/ | | file | core/ |
core/modules/system/tests/modules/accept_header_routing_test/ |
ActionListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
Builds the header row for the entity listing. |
AreaEmptyTest::testRenderEmptyHeaderFooter | function | core/ |
Tests that the header and footer areas are not rendered if empty. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::getCacheHeaderValues | function | core/ |
Gets a specific header value as array. |
AttachedAssetsTest::testHeaderHTML | function | core/ |
Tests JS assets depending on the 'core/<head>' virtual library. |
BasicAuthTestTrait::getBasicAuthHeaders | function | core/ |
Returns HTTP headers that can be used for basic authentication in Curl. |
BigPipeTest::assertBigPipeResponseHeadersPresent | function | core/ |
@internal |
BigPipeTestSubscriber::onRespondSetBigPipeDebugPlaceholderHeaders | function | core/ |
Exposes all BigPipe placeholders (JS and no-JS) via headers for testing. |
BlockContentListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
BlockContentTypeListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait::formatHtmlOutputHeaders | function | core/ |
Formats HTTP headers as string for HTML output logging. |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait::getHtmlOutputHeaders | function | core/ |
Returns headers in HTML output format. |
BrowserTestBaseTest::testDeprecationHeaders | function | core/ |
Tests that deprecation headers do not get duplicated. |
BubbleableMetadataTest::providerTestMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging | function | core/ |
Data provider for testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging. |
BubbleableMetadataTest::testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging | function | core/ |
Tests http_header asset merging. |
CacheTest::testHeaderStorage | function | core/ |
Tests css/js storage and restoring mechanism. |
ClaroTableTest::testThemeTableStickyHeaders | function | core/ |
Confirm that Claro tables override use of the `sticky-enabled` class. |
CommentTypeListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
ConfigTestListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationBlockListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationEntityListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationFieldListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationMapperList::buildHeader | function | core/ |
Builds the header row for the mapper listing. |
ContactFormListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
content-header.css | file | core/ |
/* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * * @preserve */ /** * Content header. */ .content-header { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: var(--space-s); … |
content-header.pcss.css | file | core/ |
/** * Content header. */ .content-header { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: var(--space-s); padding: var(--space-l) 0 0; background-color: var(--color-gray-050); } |
ContentDispositionFilenameParser::REQUEST_HEADER_FILENAME_REGEX | constant | core/ |
The regex used to extract the filename from the content disposition header. |
ContentDispositionFilenameParserTest::invalidHeaderProvider | function | core/ |
A data provider for invalid headers. |
ContentLengthTest::providerTestSetContentLengthHeader | function | core/ |
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