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Title Object type File name Summary
install_run_tasks function includes/ Runs all tasks for the current installation request.
install_select_locale function includes/ Installation task; select which locale to use for the current profile.
install_select_locale_form function includes/ Form constructor for the language selection form.
install_select_profile function includes/ Selects which profile to install.
install_select_profile_form function includes/ Form constructor for the profile selection form.
install_settings_form function includes/ Form constructor for a form to configure and rewrite settings.php.
install_settings_form_submit function includes/ Form submission handler for install_settings_form().
install_settings_form_validate function includes/ Form validation handler for install_settings_form().
install_state_defaults function includes/ Returns an array of default settings for the global installation state.
install_system_module function includes/ Installation task; install the Drupal system module.
install_tasks function includes/ Returns a list of all tasks the installer currently knows about.
install_tasks_to_display function includes/ Returns a list of tasks that should be displayed to the end user.
install_tasks_to_perform function includes/ Returns a list of tasks to perform during the current installation request.
INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED constant includes/ Global flag to indicate that a task should be run on each installation
request that reaches it, until the database is set up and we are able to
record the fact that it already ran.
INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_REACHED constant includes/ Run the task on each installation request until the database is set up.
INSTALL_TASK_SKIP constant includes/ Do not run the task during the current installation request.
install_verify_completed_task function includes/ Verifies and returns the last installation task that was completed.
install_verify_pdo function includes/ Verifies the PDO library.
install_verify_requirements function includes/ Verifies the requirements for installing Drupal.
install_verify_settings function includes/ Verifies the existing settings in settings.php.
list.install file modules/field/modules/list/list.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the list module.
locale.install file modules/locale/locale.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the locale module.
LocaleInstallTest class modules/locale/locale.test Tests for the st() function.
LocaleInstallTest::getInfo function modules/locale/locale.test
LocaleInstallTest::setUp function modules/locale/locale.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
LocaleInstallTest::testFunctionSignatures function modules/locale/locale.test Verify that function signatures of t() and st() are equal.
LocaleUninstallFrenchFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Locale uninstall with French UI functional test.
LocaleUninstallFrenchFunctionalTest::getInfo function modules/locale/locale.test
LocaleUninstallFrenchFunctionalTest::setUp function modules/locale/locale.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest class modules/locale/locale.test Locale uninstall with English UI functional test.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::$language property modules/locale/locale.test The default language set for the UI before uninstall.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::getInfo function modules/locale/locale.test
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::setUp function modules/locale/locale.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::testUninstallProcess function modules/locale/locale.test Check if the values of the Locale variables are correct after uninstall.
locale_install function modules/locale/locale.install Implements hook_install().
locale_modules_installed function modules/locale/locale.module Implements hook_modules_installed().
locale_uninstall function modules/locale/locale.install Implements hook_uninstall().
menu.install file modules/menu/menu.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the menu module.
menu_install function modules/menu/menu.install Implements hook_install().
menu_uninstall function modules/menu/menu.install Implements hook_uninstall().
minimal.install file profiles/minimal/minimal.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the minimal installation profile.
minimal_form_install_configure_form_alter function profiles/minimal/minimal.profile Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for install_configure_form().
minimal_install function profiles/minimal/minimal.install Implements hook_install().
ModuleDependencyTestCase::testUninstallDependents function modules/system/system.test Tests attempting to uninstall a module that has installed dependents.
ModuleInstallTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/module.test Unit tests for module installation.
ModuleInstallTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/module.test
ModuleInstallTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/module.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
ModuleInstallTestCase::testDrupalWriteRecord function modules/simpletest/tests/module.test Test that calls to drupal_write_record() work during module installation.
ModuleUninstallTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/module.test Unit tests for module uninstallation and related hooks.
ModuleUninstallTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/module.test

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