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Title Object type File name Summary
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::dirname function includes/ Gets the name of the directory from a given path.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::getExternalUrl function includes/ Returns a web accessible URL for the resource.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::getMimeType function includes/ Returns the MIME type of the resource.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::getUri function includes/ Returns the stream resource URI.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::realpath function includes/ Returns canonical, absolute path of the resource.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::setUri function includes/ Set the absolute stream resource URI.
DrupalUpdaterInterface interface includes/ Interface for a class which can update a Drupal project.
DrupalUpdaterInterface::canUpdateDirectory function includes/ Determine if the Updater can handle the project provided in $directory.
DrupalUpdaterInterface::getInstallDirectory function includes/
DrupalUpdaterInterface::getProjectName function includes/ Returns the system name of the project.
DrupalUpdaterInterface::isInstalled function includes/ Checks if the project is installed.
DrupalUpdaterInterface::postInstall function includes/ Actions to run after an install has occurred.
DrupalUpdaterInterface::postUpdate function includes/ Actions to run after an update has occurred.
drupal_autoload_interface function includes/ Confirms that an interface is available. file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ Test interfaces for code registry testing.
File interface group includes/ Common file handling functions.
FileTransferChmodInterface interface includes/filetransfer/ A FileTransfer Class implementing this interface can be used to chmod files.
FileTransferChmodInterface::chmodJailed function includes/filetransfer/ Changes the permissions of the file / directory specified in $path
Language administration interface group modules/locale/ Administration interface for languages.
LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE constant includes/ The type of language used to select the user interface.
locale_language_from_interface function includes/ Identifies the language from the current interface language.
LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE constant includes/ The language is determined using the current interface language.
MailSystemInterface interface includes/ An interface for pluggable mail back-ends.
MailSystemInterface::format function includes/ Format a message composed by drupal_mail() prior sending.
MailSystemInterface::mail function includes/ Send a message composed by drupal_mail().
QueryAlterableInterface interface includes/database/ Interface for a query that can be manipulated via an alter hook.
QueryAlterableInterface::addMetaData function includes/database/ Adds additional metadata to the query.
QueryAlterableInterface::addTag function includes/database/ Adds a tag to a query.
QueryAlterableInterface::getMetaData function includes/database/ Retrieves a given piece of metadata.
QueryAlterableInterface::hasAllTags function includes/database/ Determines if a given query has all specified tags.
QueryAlterableInterface::hasAnyTag function includes/database/ Determines if a given query has any specified tag.
QueryAlterableInterface::hasTag function includes/database/ Determines if a given query has a given tag.
QueryConditionInterface interface includes/database/ Interface for a conditional clause in a query.
QueryConditionInterface::arguments function includes/database/ Gets a complete list of all values to insert into the prepared statement.
QueryConditionInterface::compile function includes/database/ Compiles the saved conditions for later retrieval.
QueryConditionInterface::compiled function includes/database/ Check whether a condition has been previously compiled.
QueryConditionInterface::condition function includes/database/ Helper function: builds the most common conditional clauses.
QueryConditionInterface::conditions function includes/database/ Gets a complete list of all conditions in this conditional clause.
QueryConditionInterface::exists function includes/database/ Sets a condition that the specified subquery returns values.
QueryConditionInterface::isNotNull function includes/database/ Sets a condition that the specified field be NOT NULL.
QueryConditionInterface::isNull function includes/database/ Sets a condition that the specified field be NULL.
QueryConditionInterface::notExists function includes/database/ Sets a condition that the specified subquery returns no values.
QueryConditionInterface::where function includes/database/ Adds an arbitrary WHERE clause to the query.
QueryExtendableInterface interface includes/database/ Interface for extendable query objects.
QueryExtendableInterface::extend function includes/database/ Enhance this object by wrapping it in an extender object.
QueryPlaceholderInterface interface includes/database/ Interface for a query that accepts placeholders.
QueryPlaceholderInterface::nextPlaceholder function includes/database/ Returns the next placeholder ID for the query.
QueryPlaceholderInterface::uniqueIdentifier function includes/database/ Returns a unique identifier for this object.
RegistryParseFileTestCase::$interfaceName property modules/simpletest/tests/registry.test
Search interface group modules/search/search.module The Drupal search interface manages a global search mechanism.

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