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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
InfoHookDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all plugins for this type. |
InheritedContextDefinition | class | core/ |
Inherited class used for testing. |
InheritedContextDefinition.php | file | core/ |
InlineBlockDeriver::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin. |
InsertTest::testInsertFieldOnlyDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests that we can specify fields without values and specify values later. |
InstallerRouteBuilder::getRouteDefinitions | function | core/ |
Overridden to return no routes. |
install_core_entity_type_definitions | function | core/ |
Installs entity type definitions provided by core. |
IntegerItem::propertyDefinitions | function | core/ |
Defines field item properties. |
InternalPropertyTestFieldItem::propertyDefinitions | function | core/ |
Defines field item properties. |
InvalidPluginDefinitionException | class | core/ |
Defines a class for invalid plugin definition exceptions. |
InvalidPluginDefinitionException.php | file | core/ |
InvalidPluginDefinitionException::$pluginId | property | core/ |
The plugin ID of the mapper. |
InvalidPluginDefinitionException::getPluginId | function | core/ |
Gets the plugin ID of the mapper that raised the exception. |
InvalidPluginDefinitionException::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a InvalidPluginDefinitionException. |
Item::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
ItemList::getItemDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of a contained item. |
LanguageBlock::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin. |
LanguageItem::propertyDefinitions | function | core/ |
Defines field item properties. |
LanguageTestBase::schemaDefinition | function | core/ |
Returns the schema definition. |
LayoutBuilderLocalTaskDeriver::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin. |
LayoutDefault::$pluginDefinition | property | core/ |
The layout definition. |
LayoutDefault::getPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
LayoutDefinition | class | core/ |
Provides an implementation of a layout definition and its metadata. |
LayoutDefinition.php | file | core/ |
LayoutDefinition::$additional | property | core/ |
Any additional properties and values. |
LayoutDefinition::$category | property | core/ |
The human-readable category. |
LayoutDefinition::$default_region | property | core/ |
The default region. |
LayoutDefinition::$deriver | property | core/ |
The name of the deriver of this layout definition, if any. |
LayoutDefinition::$description | property | core/ |
An optional description for advanced layouts. |
LayoutDefinition::$icon | property | core/ |
The path to the preview image. |
LayoutDefinition::$icon_map | property | core/ |
An array defining the regions of a layout. |
LayoutDefinition::$label | property | core/ |
The human-readable name. |
LayoutDefinition::$library | property | core/ |
The asset library. |
LayoutDefinition::$path | property | core/ |
Path (relative to the module or theme) to resources like icon or template. |
LayoutDefinition::$regions | property | core/ |
An associative array of regions in this layout. |
LayoutDefinition::$template | property | core/ |
The template file to render this layout (relative to the 'path' given). |
LayoutDefinition::$templatePath | property | core/ |
The path to the template. |
LayoutDefinition::$theme_hook | property | core/ |
The theme hook used to render this layout. |
LayoutDefinition::get | function | core/ |
Gets any arbitrary property. |
LayoutDefinition::getCategory | function | core/ |
Gets the human-readable category of the layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getDefaultRegion | function | core/ |
Gets the default region. |
LayoutDefinition::getDeriver | function | core/ |
Gets the name of the deriver of this plugin definition, if it exists. |
LayoutDefinition::getDescription | function | core/ |
Gets the description of the layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getIcon | function | core/ |
Builds a render array for an icon representing the layout. |
LayoutDefinition::getIconBuilder | function | core/ |
Wraps the icon builder. |
LayoutDefinition::getIconMap | function | core/ |
Gets the icon map for this layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getIconPath | function | core/ |
Gets the icon path for this layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getLabel | function | core/ |
Gets the human-readable name of the layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getLibrary | function | core/ |
Gets the asset library for this layout definition. |
LayoutDefinition::getPath | function | core/ |
Gets the base path for this layout definition. |
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