function IconFinder::processFoundFiles
Process files and format icon information.
\Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder $finder: The Finder instance with found files.
string $source: The source.
string $path_info_filename: The filename from path_info().
int|null $group_position: The position of the group in the path, or null if not applicable.
Return value
array<string, array<string, string|null>> List of files with metadata.
1 call to IconFinder::processFoundFiles()
- IconFinder::getFilesFromPath in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Theme/ Icon/ IconFinder.php - Get files from a local path.
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Theme/ Icon/ IconFinder.php, line 295
- IconFinder
- Icon finder to discover files under specific paths or URLs.
private function processFoundFiles(Finder $finder, string $source, string $path_info_filename, ?int $group_position) : array {
$result = [];
$has_icon_pattern = \str_contains($path_info_filename, self::ICON_ID_PATTERN);
foreach ($finder as $file) {
$file_absolute_path = $file->getPathName();
$icon_id = $file->getFilenameWithoutExtension();
// If an {icon_id} pattern is used, extract it to be used.
if ($has_icon_pattern) {
$icon_id = self::extractIconIdFromFilename($icon_id, $path_info_filename);
// Icon ID is used as index to avoid duplicates.
$result[$icon_id] = [
'icon_id' => $icon_id,
'source' => $this->fileUrlGenerator
->generateString(str_replace($this->appRoot, '', $file_absolute_path)),
'absolute_path' => $file_absolute_path,
'group' => self::extractGroupFromPath($file->getPath(), $group_position),
return $result;
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