Unifies formats of transliteration data from various sources.
A few notes about this script:
- The functions in this file are NOT SECURE, because they use PHP functions like eval(). Absolutely do not run this script unless you trust the data files used for input.
- You will need to change the name of this file to remove the .txt extension before running it (it has been given this name so that you cannot run it by mistake). When you do that, move it out of your web root as well so that it cannot be run via a URL, and run the script via the PHP command at a command prompt.
- This script, depending on which portions of it you run, depends on having
input data from various sources in sub-directories below where this file
is located. The data inputs are as follows:
- Existing Drupal Core transliteration data: Sub-directory 'data'; comes from core/lib/Drupal/Component/Transliteration/data
- Midgardmvc data: Sub-directory 'utf8_to_ascii_db'; download from
- CPAN Text-Unidecode data: Sub-directory 'Unidecode'; download from
- Node.js project: Sub-directory 'unidecoder_data'; download from
- JUnidecode project: Sub-directory 'junidecode'; download source from
- You will also need to make directory 'outdata' to hold output.
- If you plan to use the 'intl' data, you will also need to have the PECL packages 'yaml' and 'intl' installed. See for generic PECL package installation instructions. The following commands on Ubuntu Linux will install yaml and intl packages:
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
sudo pecl install yaml
sudo apt-get install php5-intl
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev
sudo pecl install intl
After running these commands, you will need to make sure '' and '' are added to the php.ini file that is in use for the PHP command-line command.
- When you have collected all of the data and installed the required packages, you will need to find the specific commands below that you want to use and un-comment them. The preferred data source for Drupal Core is the PECL 'intl' package, and the line that needs to be un-commented in order to make a Drupal Core patch is:
- The functions are documented in more detail in their headers where they are defined. Many have parameters that you can use to change the output.
scripts/ transliteration_data.php.txt
View source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Unifies formats of transliteration data from various sources.
- *
- * A few notes about this script:
- * - The functions in this file are NOT SECURE, because they use PHP functions
- * like eval(). Absolutely do not run this script unless you trust the data
- * files used for input.
- * - You will need to change the name of this file to remove the .txt extension
- * before running it (it has been given this name so that you cannot run it
- * by mistake). When you do that, move it out of your web root as well so
- * that it cannot be run via a URL, and run the script via the PHP command
- * at a command prompt.
- * - This script, depending on which portions of it you run, depends on having
- * input data from various sources in sub-directories below where this file
- * is located. The data inputs are as follows:
- * - Existing Drupal Core transliteration data: Sub-directory 'data'; comes
- * from core/lib/Drupal/Component/Transliteration/data
- * - Midgardmvc data: Sub-directory 'utf8_to_ascii_db'; download from
- *
- * - CPAN Text-Unidecode data: Sub-directory 'Unidecode'; download from
- *
- * - Node.js project: Sub-directory 'unidecoder_data'; download from
- *
- * - JUnidecode project: Sub-directory 'junidecode'; download source from
- *
- * - You will also need to make directory 'outdata' to hold output.
- * - If you plan to use the 'intl' data, you will also need to have the PECL
- * packages 'yaml' and 'intl' installed. See
- * for generic PECL
- * package installation instructions. The following commands on Ubuntu Linux
- * will install yaml and intl packages:
- * @code
- * sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
- * sudo pecl install yaml
- * sudo apt-get install php5-intl
- * sudo apt-get install libicu-dev
- * sudo pecl install intl
- * @endcode
- * After running these commands, you will need to make sure
- * '' and '' are added to the php.ini file
- * that is in use for the PHP command-line command.
- * - When you have collected all of the data and installed the required
- * packages, you will need to find the specific commands below that you want
- * to use and un-comment them. The preferred data source for Drupal Core is
- * the PECL 'intl' package, and the line that needs to be un-commented in
- * order to make a Drupal Core patch is:
- * @code
- * patch_drupal('outdata');
- * @endcode
- * - The functions are documented in more detail in their headers where they
- * are defined. Many have parameters that you can use to change the output.
- */
- // Commands to read various data sources:
- // $data = read_drupal_data();
- // $data = read_midgard_data();
- // $data = read_cpan_data();
- // $data = read_nodejs_data();
- // $data = read_intl_data();
- // $data = read_junidecode_data();
- // After running a read_*_data() function, you can print out the data
- // (it will make a LOT of output):
- // print_r($data);
- // Command to read in all of data sources and output in CSV format, explaining
- // the differences:
- // read_all_to_csv();
- // Command to patch Drupal Core data, using the intl data set, and put the
- // resulting changed data files in the 'outdata' directory:
- patch_drupal('outdata');
- /**
- * Reads in all transliteration data and outputs differences in CSV format.
- *
- * Each data set is compared to the Drupal Core reference data set, and the
- * differences are noted. The data must be in the locations noted in the
- * file header above. The CSV output has several columns. The first one is the
- * Unicode character code. The next columns contain the transliteration of
- * that character in each of the data sets. The last column, tells what the
- * differences are between the Drupal Core reference set and the other data
- * sets:
- * - missing: The target set is missing data that the Drupal set has.
- * - provided: The target set has provided data that Drupal does not have.
- * - case: The target and Drupal set output differ only in upper/lower case.
- * - different: The target and Drupal set output differ in more than just case.
- *
- * @param bool $print_all
- * TRUE to print all data; FALSE (default) to print just data where there
- * are differences between the Drupal set and other data sources.
- * @param bool $print_missing
- * TRUE to print cases where one of the non-Drupal sets is missing information
- * and that is the only difference; FALSE (default) to include these rows.
- */
- function read_all_to_csv($print_all = FALSE, $print_missing = FALSE) {
- $data = array();
- $types = array('drupal', 'midgard', 'cpan', 'nodejs', 'junidecode', 'intl');
- // Alternatively, if you just want to compare a couple of data sets, you can
- // uncomment and edit the following line:
- // $types = array('drupal', 'intl');
- // Read in all the data.
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $data[$type] = call_user_func('read_' . $type . '_data');
- }
- // Print CSV header row.
- print "character,";
- print implode(',', $types);
- print ",why\n";
- // Go through all the banks of character data.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- // Go through characters in bank; skip pure ASCII characters.
- $start = ($bank == 0) ? 0x80 : 0;
- for ($chr = $start; $chr < 256; $chr++) {
- // Gather the data together for this character.
- $row = array();
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $row[$type] = (isset($data[$type][$bank][$chr]) && is_string($data[$type][$bank][$chr])) ? $data[$type][$bank][$chr] : '';
- }
- // Only print if there are differences or we are printing all data.
- $print = $print_all;
- $ref = $row['drupal'];
- $why = array();
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- // Try to characterize what the differences are.
- if ($row[$type] != $ref) {
- if ($row[$type] == '') {
- $why['missing'] = 'missing';
- if ($print_missing) {
- $print = TRUE;
- }
- }
- elseif ($ref == '') {
- $why['provided'] = 'provided';
- $print = TRUE;
- }
- elseif ($row[$type] == strtolower($ref) || $row[$type] == strtoupper($ref)) {
- $why['case'] = 'case';
- $print = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- $why['different'] = 'different';
- $print = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Print the data line.
- if ($print) {
- print '0x' . sprintf('%04x', 256 * $bank + $chr) . ',';
- foreach ($row as $out) {
- print '"' . addcslashes($out, '"') . '", ';
- }
- print implode(':', $why);
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reads in 'intl' transliteration data and writes out changed Drupal files.
- *
- * Writes out the Drupal data files that would have to change to make our data
- * match the intl data set.
- *
- * @param string $outdir
- * Directory to put the patched data files in (under where the script is
- * being run).
- */
- function patch_drupal($outdir) {
- $data = array();
- // Note that this is hard-wired below. Changing this line will have no
- // effect except to break this function.
- $types = array('drupal', 'intl');
- // Read in all the data.
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $data[$type] = call_user_func('read_' . $type . '_data');
- }
- // Go through all the banks of character data.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $print_bank = FALSE;
- // Go through characters in bank; skip pure ASCII characters.
- $start = ($bank == 0) ? 0x80 : 0;
- $newdata = array();
- for ($chr = 0; $chr < 256; $chr++) {
- // Fill up the start of the ASCII range.
- if ($chr < $start) {
- $newdata[$chr] = chr($chr);
- continue;
- }
- // Figure out what characters we actually have.
- $drupal = isset($data['drupal'][$bank][$chr]) ? $data['drupal'][$bank][$chr] : NULL;
- // Note that for intl, we only want to keep the transliteration if it
- // has something other than '' in it.
- $intl = isset($data['intl'][$bank][$chr]) && $data['intl'][$bank][$chr] != '' ? $data['intl'][$bank][$chr] : NULL;
- // Make sure we have something in the Drupal data set, in case we need
- // to print.
- $newdata[$chr] = $drupal;
- if (!isset($intl)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!isset($drupal) || $drupal != $intl) {
- $print_bank = TRUE;
- $newdata[$chr] = $intl;
- }
- }
- // If we found a difference, output a data file.
- if ($print_bank) {
- write_data_file($newdata, $bank, $outdir);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the Drupal Core generic transliteration data set.
- *
- * The data is expected to be in files xNN.php in directory 'data' under
- * this file's directory.
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- *
- * @see PhpTransliteration::readGenericData()
- */
- function read_drupal_data() {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/data';
- $out = array();
- // Read data files.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $base = array();
- $file = $dir . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.php';
- if (is_file($file)) {
- include($file);
- }
- $out[$bank] = $base;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the MidgardMVC transliteration data.
- *
- * The data is expected to be in files xNN.php in directory utf8_to_ascii_db
- * under the directory where this file resides. It can be downloaded from
- *
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- */
- function read_midgard_data() {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/utf8_to_ascii_db';
- $out = array();
- // Read data files.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $UTF8_TO_ASCII = array($bank => array());
- $file = $dir . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.php';
- if (is_file($file)) {
- include($file);
- }
- $base = $UTF8_TO_ASCII[$bank];
- // For unknown characters, these files have '[?]' in them. Replace with
- // NULL for compatibility with our data.
- $base = array_map('_replace_question_with_null', $base);
- $out[$bank] = $base;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the CPAN Text::Unidecode data set.
- *
- * The data is expected to be in files in directory 'Unidecode' under
- * this file's directory. It can be downloaded from
- *
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- */
- function read_cpan_data() {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/Unidecode';
- $out = array();
- // Read data files.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $base = array();
- $file = $dir . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.pm';
- if (is_file($file)) {
- $base = _cpan_read_file($file);
- }
- $out[$bank] = $base;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the data in a single file from the Text::Unidecode CPAN project.
- *
- * @param string $file
- * File to read from.
- *
- * @return array
- * Data read from the file.
- *
- * @see read_cpan_data()
- */
- function _cpan_read_file($file) {
- $contents = file($file);
- $save = '';
- foreach ($contents as $line) {
- // Discard lines starting with # or $. The first line seems to have a
- // comment starting with #, the second has a Perl line like
- // $Text::Unidecode::Char[0x04] = [, -- and we do not want either.
- if (preg_match('|^\s*[#\$]|', $line)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Discard lines ending with semi-colons, which we also don't want
- // (there seem to be two of these lines at the end of the files).
- if (preg_match('|;\s*$|', $line)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Replace '[?]' with nothing (that means "don't know how to
- // transliterate"). In some files, this is encoded as qq{[?]} or
- // qq{[?] } instead.
- $line = str_replace('qq{[?]}', 'NULL', $line);
- $line = str_replace('qq{[?] }', 'NULL', $line);
- $line = str_replace("'[?]'", 'NULL', $line);
- // Replace qq{} with either "" or '' or nothing, depending on what is
- // inside it.
- $line = str_replace('qq{\{}', "'{'", $line);
- $line = str_replace('qq{\}}', "'}'", $line);
- $line = str_replace('qq{\} }', "'} '", $line);
- $line = str_replace("qq{\\\\}", '"\\\\"', $line);
- $line = str_replace("qq{\\", "qq{'", $line);
- $line = str_replace("qq{\"'}", "\"\\\"'\"", $line);
- $line = preg_replace('|qq\{([^\'\}]+)\}|', "'$1'", $line);
- $line = preg_replace('|qq\{([^\}]+)\}|', '"$1"', $line);
- $save .= $line;
- }
- // Now we should have a string that looks like:
- // 'a', 'b', ...
- // Evaluate as an array.
- $save = 'return array(' . $save . ');';
- $data = @eval($save);
- if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) {
- $data = array_map('_replace_hex_with_character', $data);
- }
- else {
- // There was a problem, so throw an error and exit.
- print "Problem in evaluating $file\n";
- print $save;
- eval($save);
- exit();
- }
- // For unknown characters, these files may still have '[?]' in them. Replace
- // with NULL for compatibility with our data.
- $data = array_map('_replace_question_with_null', $data);
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the Node.js transliteration data.
- *
- * The data is expected to be in files xNN.yml in directory unidecoder_data
- * under the directory where this file resides. It can be downloaded from
- * You also need the PECL
- * 'yaml' extension installed for this function to work.
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- */
- function read_nodejs_data() {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/unidecoder_data';
- $out = array();
- // Read data files.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $base = array();
- $file = $dir . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.yml';
- if (is_file($file)) {
- $base = yaml_parse_file($file);
- // For unknown characters, these files have '[?]' in them. Replace with
- // NULL for compatibility with our data.
- $base = array_map('_replace_question_with_null', $base);
- }
- $out[$bank] = $base;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Loads the PECL 'intl' Transliterator class's transliteration data.
- *
- * You need to have the PECL 'intl' package installed for this to work.
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- */
- function read_intl_data() {
- // In order to transliterate, you first have to create a transliterator
- // object. This needs a list of transliteration operations. You can get a
- // list of available operations with:
- // print_r(Transliterator::listIDs()); exit();
- // And a few of these are documented on
- // and
- // (for normalizations).
- // There are also maps to the Unicode characters at:
- //
- //
- $ops = '';
- // The first step in any transform: separate out accents and remove them.
- $ops .= 'NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC;';
- // Then you need to do a bunch of language-specific or script-specific
- // transliterations. Here is hopefully a representative set. There are
- // quite a few scripts that don't appear to have rules currently, such
- // as Etheopian.
- $ops .= 'Greek-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Cyrillic-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Armenian-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Hebrew-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Arabic-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Syriac-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Thaana-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Devanagari-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Bengali-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Gurmukhi-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Gujarati-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Oriya-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Tamil-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Telugu-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Kannada-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Malayalam-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Thai-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Georgian-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Hangul-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Mongolian-Latin/BGN; ';
- $ops .= 'Jamo-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Katakana-Latin; ';
- $ops .= 'Any-Latin; ';
- // Finally, after transforming to Latin, transform to ASCII.
- $ops .= 'Latin-ASCII; ';
- // Remove any remaining accents and recompose.
- $ops .= 'NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC;';
- $trans = Transliterator::create($ops);
- $out = array();
- // Transliterate all possible characters.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $data = array();
- for ($chr = 0; $chr < 256; $chr++) {
- // Skip the UTF-16 and "private use" ranges completely.
- $OK = ($bank <= 0xd8 || $bank > 0xf8);
- $result = $OK ? $trans->transliterate(mb_convert_encoding(pack('n', 256 * $bank + $chr), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE')) : '';
- // See if we have managed to transliterate this to ASCII or not. If not,
- // return NULL instead of this character.
- $max = chr(127);
- foreach (preg_split('//u', $result, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $character) {
- if ($character > $max) {
- $OK = $OK && FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- $data[$chr] = ($OK) ? $result : NULL;
- }
- $out[$bank] = $data;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the JUnidecode data set.
- *
- * The data is expected to be in files in directory 'junidecode' under
- * this file's directory. It can be downloaded from
- *
- *
- * @return array
- * Nested array of transliteration data. Outer keys are the first two
- * bytes of Unicode characters (or 0 for base ASCII characters). The next
- * level is the other two bytes, and the values are the transliterations.
- */
- function read_junidecode_data() {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/junidecode';
- $out = array();
- // Read data files.
- for ($bank = 0; $bank < 256; $bank++) {
- $base = array();
- $file = $dir . '/X' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.java';
- if (is_file($file)) {
- $base = _junidecode_read_file($file);
- }
- $out[$bank] = $base;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Reads in the data in a single file from the JUnidecode project.
- *
- * @param string $file
- * File to read from.
- *
- * @return array
- * Data read from the file.
- *
- * @see read_junidecode_data()
- */
- function _junidecode_read_file($file) {
- $contents = file($file);
- $save = '';
- foreach ($contents as $line) {
- // Discard lines starting with * or / or package or class or public or },
- // to get rid of comments and Java code.
- if (preg_match('|^\s*[\*/\}]|', $line)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*package|public|class/', $line)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Some of the lines look like this:
- // new String("" + (char) 0x00), // 0x00
- // Transform to be '0x00,'
- $line = preg_replace('|^\s*new\s+String\s*\(\s*""\s*\+\s*\(char\)\s+0x([0-9]+).*$|', '0x$1,', $line);
- // Strings are in double quotes, yet many have \' in them.
- $line = str_replace("\'", "'", $line);
- // Everything else should probably be OK -- the lines are like:
- // "Ie", // 0x00
- $save .= $line;
- }
- // Evaluate as an array.
- $save = 'return array(' . $save . ');';
- $data = @eval($save);
- if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) {
- $data = array_map('_replace_hex_with_character', $data);
- $data = array_map('_replace_question_with_null', $data);
- }
- else {
- // There was a problem, so throw an error and exit.
- print "Problem in evaluating $file\n";
- print $save;
- eval($save);
- exit();
- }
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Callback for array_map(): Returns $data, with '[?]' replaced with NULL.
- */
- function _replace_question_with_null($data) {
- return ($data == '[?]' || $data == '[?] ') ? NULL : $data;
- }
- /**
- * Callback for array_map(): Replaces '\xNN' with the actual character.
- */
- function _replace_hex_with_character($item) {
- if (strpos($item, '\x') === 0) {
- $item = eval($item);
- }
- return $item;
- }
- /**
- * Writes a data file out in the standard Drupal Core data format.
- *
- * @param array $data
- * Array of data to write out.
- * @param string $bank
- * Bank of characters it belongs to.
- * @param string $dir
- * Output directory.
- */
- function write_data_file($data, $bank, $outdir) {
- $dir = __DIR__ . '/' . $outdir;
- $file = $dir . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.php';
- $out = '';
- $out .= "<?php\n\n/**\n * @file\n * Generic transliteration data for the PhpTransliteration class.\n */\n\n\$base = array(\n";
- // The 00 file skips the ASCII range
- $start = 0;
- if ($bank == 0) {
- $start = 0x80;
- $out .= " // Note: to save memory plain ASCII mappings have been left out.\n";
- }
- for ($line = $start; $line <= 0xf0; $line += 0x10) {
- $out .= ' 0x' . sprintf('%02X', $line) . ' =>';
- $elems = array_values(array_slice($data, $line, 16));
- for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++ ) {
- if (isset($elems[$i])) {
- $out .= " '" . addcslashes($elems[$i], "'\\") . "',";
- }
- else {
- $out .= ' NULL,';
- }
- }
- $out .= "\n";
- }
- $out .= ");\n";
- file_put_contents($file, $out);
- }
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