81 calls to KernelTestBase::enableModules()
- AddItemToToolbarConfigActionTest::testActionRequiresCKEditor5 in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ConfigAction/ AddItemToToolbarConfigActionTest.php - AddModerationConfigActionTest::testDeriverAdminLabel in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ConfigAction/ AddModerationConfigActionTest.php - AddModerationConfigActionTest::testWorkflowMustBeContentModeration in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ConfigAction/ AddModerationConfigActionTest.php - CacheableMetadataCalculationTest::testCacheableMetadataCalculation in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ CacheableMetadataCalculationTest.php - Tests that cacheability metadata is only calculated when needed.
- CommentDepthTest::testCommentDepth in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ CommentDepthTest.php - Test the comment depth.
- CommentLinksTest::testLinkReply in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ CommentLinksTest.php - Tests the comment reply link.
- ConfigActionTest::testDuplicateShorthandActionIds in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ Action/ ConfigActionTest.php - ConfigConfiguratorTest::testExistingConfigWithKeysInDifferentOrder in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Recipe/ ConfigConfiguratorTest.php - ConfigEntityUpdaterTest::testUpdateException in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ Entity/ ConfigEntityUpdaterTest.php - @covers ::update
- ConfigEntityValidationTestBase::testLangcode in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigEntityValidationTestBase.php - Tests that the config entity's langcode is validated.
- ConfigImporterMissingContentTest::testMissingBlockContent in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigImporterMissingContentTest.php - Tests the missing content, config import and the block plugin manager.
- ConfigImporterTest::testEventsAndCollectionsImport in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigImporterTest.php - Tests events and collections during a config import.
- ConfigInstallTest::testCollectionInstallationCollections in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigInstallTest.php - Tests config objects in collections are installed as expected.
- ConfigInstallTest::testCollectionInstallationNoCollections in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigInstallTest.php - Tests that collections are ignored if the event does not return anything.
- ConfigInstallTest::testModuleInstallation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigInstallTest.php - Tests module installation.
- ContentNegotiationRoutingTest::testFullNegotiation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Routing/ ContentNegotiationRoutingTest.php - Full negotiation by header only.
- EditorManagerTest::testManager in core/
modules/ editor/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EditorManagerTest.php - Tests the configurable text editor manager.
- EntityContentBaseTest::testUntranslatable in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ d6/ EntityContentBaseTest.php - Tests that translation destination fails for untranslatable entities.
- EntityDisplayTest::testComponentDependencies in core/
modules/ field_ui/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityDisplayTest.php - Tests components dependencies additions.
- EntityDisplayTest::testOnDependencyRemoval in core/
modules/ field_ui/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityDisplayTest.php - Tests \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayBase::onDependencyRemoval().
- EntityFormDisplayTest::testOnDependencyRemoval in core/
modules/ field_ui/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityFormDisplayTest.php - Tests \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayBase::onDependencyRemoval().
- EntityKernelTestBase::installModule in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityKernelTestBase.php - Installs a module and refreshes services.
- EntityQueryTest::testBaseFieldMultipleColumns in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityQueryTest.php - Tests base fields with multiple columns.
- EntityTypeConstraintsTest::testConstraintDefinition in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityTypeConstraintsTest.php - Tests defining entity constraints via entity type annotations and hooks.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testViewField in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests EntityViewBuilder::viewField() language awareness.
- EntityViewDisplayValidationTest::testLayoutSectionPluginIdIsValidated in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewDisplayValidationTest.php - Tests that the plugin ID of a Layout Builder section is validated.
- ExtensionExistsConstraintValidatorTest::testValidation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Extension/ ExtensionExistsConstraintValidatorTest.php - Tests the ExtensionExists constraint validator.
- FieldConfigValidationTest::testEntityReferenceSelectionHandlerIsValidated in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FieldConfigValidationTest.php - Tests that entity reference selection handler plugin IDs are validated.
- FieldConfigValidationTest::testMultilineTextFieldDefaultValue in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FieldConfigValidationTest.php - Tests validation of a field_config's default value.
- FieldDefinitionIntegrityTest::testFieldPluginDefinitionAvailability in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldDefinitionIntegrityTest.php - Tests to load field plugin definitions used in core's existing entities.
- FieldDefinitionIntegrityTest::testFieldPluginDefinitionIntegrity in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldDefinitionIntegrityTest.php - Tests the integrity of field plugin definitions.
- FieldItemSerializationTest::testCustomBooleanNormalization in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldItemSerializationTest.php - Tests a format-agnostic normalizer.
- FieldTypePluginManagerTest::enableAllCoreModules in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldTypePluginManagerTest.php - Enable all core modules.
- HelpEmptyPageTest::testEmptyHookHelp in core/
modules/ help/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ HelpEmptyPageTest.php - Ensures that no URL generator is called on a page without hook_help().
- KernelTestBaseTest::testContainerIsolation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - Tests whether the fixture allows us to install modules and configuration.
- KernelTestBaseTest::testRegister in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - @covers ::register
- KernelTestBaseTest::testRender in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - @covers ::render
- KernelTestBaseTest::testRenderWithTheme in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - @covers ::render
- KernelTestBaseTest::testSubsequentContainerIsolation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - Tests whether the fixture can re-install modules and configuration.
- KernelTestBaseTest::testVarDump in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBaseTest.php - Tests the dump() function provided by the var-dumper Symfony component.
- LanguageConfigOverrideInstallTest::testLanguageConfigOverrideInstall in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LanguageConfigOverrideInstallTest.php - Tests the configuration events are not fired during install of overrides.
- MappingTest::testMappingInterpretation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Config/ Schema/ MappingTest.php - @dataProvider providerMappingInterpretation
- MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testDifferentAddForm in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MediaLibraryAddFormTest.php - Tests overwriting of the add form.
- MigrateDrupal6AuditIdsTest::testNodeGrantsIdConflicts in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ d6/ MigrateDrupal6AuditIdsTest.php - Tests ID conflicts for inaccessible nodes.
- MigrateDrupal7AuditIdsTest::testNodeGrantsIdConflicts in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ d7/ MigrateDrupal7AuditIdsTest.php - Tests ID conflicts for inaccessible nodes.
- MigrateEntityContentBaseTest::testBundleFallbackForStub in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateEntityContentBaseTest.php - Tests bundle is properly provided for stubs without bundle support.
- MigrateEntityContentBaseTest::testEmptyDestinations in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateEntityContentBaseTest.php - Tests empty destinations.
- MigrateEntityContentBaseTest::testEntityWithStringId in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateEntityContentBaseTest.php - Tests creation of ID columns table with definitions taken from entity type.
- MigrateNodeDeriverTest::testTranslations in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateNodeDeriverTest.php - Tests node translation migrations with translation enabled.
- MigrateNodeDeriverTest::testTranslations in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d7/ MigrateNodeDeriverTest.php - Tests node translation migrations with translation enabled.
- MigrateSearchPageTest::testSearchPage in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d7/ MigrateSearchPageTest.php - Tests migration of search status and settings to search page entity.
- MigrateSearchPageTest::testUserSearchCreate in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d7/ MigrateSearchPageTest.php - Tests that a search page will be created if it does not exist.
- MigrationLabelExistTest::testLabelExist in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrationLabelExistTest.php - Tests that labels exist for all migrations.
- MigrationPluginListTest::testGetDefinitions in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ MigrationPluginListTest.php - @covers ::getDefinitions
- MigrationProvidersExistTest::enableAllModules in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ MigrationProvidersExistTest.php - Enable all available modules.
- MigrationProvidersExistTest::testSourceProvider in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ MigrationProvidersExistTest.php - Tests that a missing source_module property raises an exception.
- ModuleHandlerTest::testDependencyResolution in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Extension/ ModuleHandlerTest.php - Tests dependency resolution.
- ModuleHandlerTest::testProfileAllDependencies in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Extension/ ModuleHandlerTest.php - Tests that a profile can supply only real dependencies.
- ModuleHandlerTest::testUninstallContentDependency in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Extension/ ModuleHandlerTest.php - Tests uninstalling a module that has content.
- ModuleHandlerTest::testUninstallProfileDependency in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Extension/ ModuleHandlerTest.php - Tests uninstalling a module installed by a profile.
- ModuleTest::testLoadFunctions in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ModuleTest.php - Tests the load wrapper/helper functions.
- NodeAccessTest::testQueryWithBaseTableJoin in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NodeAccessTest.php - Tests node grants for queries with node access checks and base table join.
- NodeAccessTest::testUnsupportedOperation in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NodeAccessTest.php - Tests operations not supported by node grants.
- NodeTypeValidationTest::testThirdPartySettingsMenuUi in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NodeTypeValidationTest.php - @testWith [true, {"third_party_settings.menu_ui": "'parent' is a required key."}] [false, {}]
- PageRenderTest::testHookPageAlter in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Common/ PageRenderTest.php - Tests hook_page_attachments_alter() exceptions.
- PageRenderTest::testHookPageAttachmentsExceptions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Common/ PageRenderTest.php - Tests hook_page_attachments() exceptions.
- PageRenderTest::testHtmlRendererAttachmentsRenderContext in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Common/ PageRenderTest.php - Tests HtmlRenderer::invokePageAttachmentHooks in a render context.
- QueryTest::testConditionOperatorArgumentsSQLInjection in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Database/ QueryTest.php - Tests SQL injection via condition operator.
- RecipeRunnerTest::testConfigActionsPreExistingConfig in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Recipe/ RecipeRunnerTest.php - ServiceDestructionTest::testDestructionUnused in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ DrupalKernel/ ServiceDestructionTest.php - Verifies that services are not unnecessarily destructed when not used.
- ServiceDestructionTest::testDestructionUsed in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ DrupalKernel/ ServiceDestructionTest.php - Verifies that services are destructed when used.
- StateFileExistsTest::testMigrationState in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ StateFileExistsTest.php - Tests that the migrate_drupal.yml files exist as needed.
- StringFormatterTest::testLinkToContentForEntitiesWithNoCanonicalPath in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ KernelString/ StringFormatterTest.php - Test "link_to_entity" feature on fields which are added to config entity.
- TwigIncludeTest::testTemplateInclusion in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Theme/ TwigIncludeTest.php - Tests template inclusion extension checking.
- UpdateReportTest::testTemplatePreprocessUpdateFetchErrorMessageWithDblog in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ UpdateReportTest.php - Tests the error message when failing to fetch data with dblog installed.
- UsageTest::testFileUsageWithEntityTranslation in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ UsageTest.php - Tests file usage with translated entities.
- UserRoleDeleteTest::testDependenciesRemoval in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ UserRoleDeleteTest.php - Tests the removal of user role dependencies.
- ValidKeysConstraintValidatorTest::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ TypedData/ ValidKeysConstraintValidatorTest.php - ValidKeysConstraintValidatorTest::testValidKeyInference in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ TypedData/ ValidKeysConstraintValidatorTest.php - Tests that valid keys can be inferred from the data definition.
- ViewsModerationStateSortTest::testSortBaseTable in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewsModerationStateSortTest.php - Tests sorting with a standard data base table.
- ViewsModerationStateSortTest::testSortRevisionBaseTable in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewsModerationStateSortTest.php - Tests sorting with the revision base table.
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