Functions - 7.x-2.x - rules

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Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
rules_discover_plugins ./rules.module Discover plugin implementations. 1
rules_drupal_goto_alter ./rules.module Implements hook_drupal_goto_alter().
rules_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
rules_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
rules_element_info ./rules.module Implements hook_element_info().
rules_element_invoke_component modules/ Action and condition callback: Invokes a rules component. 2
rules_element_invoke_component_access_callback modules/ Access callback for the invoke component condition/action. 2
rules_element_invoke_component_features_export modules/ Implements the features export callback of the RulesPluginFeaturesIntegrationInterface.
rules_element_invoke_component_operations modules/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::operations() for the action.
rules_element_invoke_component_validate modules/ Validate callback to make sure the invoked component exists and is not dirty.
rules_element_load ./rules.module Menu callback for loading rules configuration elements.
rules_element_sort_helper ui/ Helper to sort elements by their 'weight' key. 1
rules_enable ./rules.install Implements hook_enable().
rules_entity_action_access modules/ Entity actions access callback. 1
rules_entity_action_info modules/ Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_action_type_options modules/ Options list callback for data actions. 2 2
rules_entity_bundle_options modules/ Options list callback for getting a list of possible entity bundles. 1
rules_entity_category_info modules/ Implements hook_rules_category_info() on behalf of the pseudo entity module.
rules_entity_condition_info modules/ Implements hook_rules_condition_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_delete modules/ Implements hook_entity_delete().
rules_entity_file_info modules/ Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_info ./rules.module Implements hook_entity_info().
rules_entity_insert modules/ Implements hook_entity_insert().
rules_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties_callback ./rules.module Callback that returns a metadata wrapper with all properties. 1
rules_entity_presave modules/ Implements hook_entity_presave().
rules_entity_type_options modules/ Returns options containing entity types having the given key set in the info. 1
rules_entity_update modules/ Implements hook_entity_update().
rules_entity_view modules/ Implements hook_entity_view().
rules_events_entity_unchanged modules/ Gets an unchanged entity that doesn't contain any recent changes. 4
rules_events_node_variables modules/ Returns some parameter suitable for using it with a node. 2
rules_event_invocation_enabled ./rules.module Helper to enable or disable the invocation of rules events. 6
rules_execute_php_eval modules/ Action and condition callback: Execute PHP code. 2
rules_execute_php_eval_dependencies modules/ Specify the php module as dependency.
rules_execute_php_eval_form_alter modules/ Alter the form for improved UX.
rules_execute_php_eval_process modules/ Process the settings to prepare code execution.
rules_exit ./rules.module Implements hook_exit(). 2
rules_external_help ./rules.module Helper function to keep track of external documentation pages for Rules. 10
rules_extract_property ./rules.module Extracts the property with the given name. 2
rules_features_abstract_default_features_export ./ Default extension callback used as default for the abstract plugin class. 1
rules_fetch_data ./rules.module Fetches module definitions for the given hook name. 15 1
rules_filter_array ./rules.module Filters the given array of arrays. 6
rules_flush_caches ./rules.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
rules_form_after_build_restore_base_path ui/ Form after build handler to set the static base path. 1
rules_form_submit_rebuild ui/ General form submit handler, that rebuilds the form. 1 8
rules_get_cache ./rules.module Gets a rules cache entry. 36 3
rules_get_components ./rules.module Returns an array of configured components. 5
rules_get_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties ./rules.module Helper function that retrieves a metadata wrapper with all properties. 2
rules_get_entity_view_modes modules/ Gets all view modes of an entity for an entity_view event. 2
rules_get_event_base_name ./rules.module Returns the base name of a configured event name. 3
rules_get_event_handler ./rules.module Returns the rule event handler for the given event. 13

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