Functions - 7.x-3.x - views

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Title Deprecated File name Summary Direct uses Strings
views_get_handler ./views.module Fetch a handler from the data cache. 15
views_get_localization_plugin ./views.module Load the current enabled localization plugin. 2
views_get_module_apis ./views.module Get a list of modules that support the current views API. 1
views_get_page_view ./views.module Get page view. 3
views_get_plugin ./views.module Get a handler for a plugin. 16
views_get_table_join includes/ Fetch a handler to join one table to a primary table from the data cache. 4
views_get_timezone includes/ Figure out what timezone we're in; needed for some date manipulations. 1
views_get_view ./views.module Get a view from the database or from default views. 19 1
views_get_views_as_options ./views.module Get options array. 1
views_get_view_result ./views.module Get the result of a view.
views_handler_field_custom_pre_render_move_text handlers/ Prerender function to move the textarea to the top. 1
views_help ./views.module Implements hook_help().
views_import_access ./views.module Access callback to determine if the user can import Views. 1
views_include ./views.module Include views .inc files as necessary. 22
views_include_handlers ./views.module Load views files on behalf of modules. 2
views_install ./views.install Implements hook_install().
views_invalidate_cache ./views.module Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data. 7 2
views_language_list ./views.module Returns an array of language names. 10
views_load_display_records ./views.module Export callback to load the view subrecords, which are the displays. 1
views_menu ./views.module Implements hook_menu().
views_menu_alter ./views.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
views_module_include ./views.module Load views files on behalf of modules. 5
views_move_table ./views.module Find the real location of a table. 2
views_new_view ./views.module Create an empty view to work with. 1 1
views_object_types includes/ Provide a list of object types used in a view, with some info about them. 33
views_page ./views.module Page callback: Displays a page view, given a name and display id. 1
views_page_alter ./views.module Implements hook_page_alter().
views_permission ./views.module Implements hook_permission().
views_plugin_list ./views.module Returns a list of plugins and metadata about them. 1
views_preprocess_comment ./views.module Preprocess a comment.
views_preprocess_html ./views.module Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK() for html.tpl.php.
views_preprocess_node ./views.module Preprocess a node.
views_preprocess_page ./views.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for page.tpl.php.
views_process_check_options ./views.module Process callback to see if we need to check_plain() the options.
views_query_default_aggregation_method_distinct plugins/ 1
views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple plugins/ 1
views_query_views_alter ./views.module Implements hook_query_TAG_alter(). 2
views_revert_allviews drush/ Reverts all views. 1
views_revert_view drush/ Revert a specified view. 2
views_revert_views drush/ Callback function for views-revert command. 1
views_save_view ./views.module Export CRUD callback to save a view. 1
views_schema ./views.install Implements hook_schema(). 11
views_schema_6000 ./views.install Views 2's initial schema. 1
views_schema_6003 ./views.install Add missing unique key.
views_schema_6004 ./views.install Enlarge the column to prevent truncation and JS errors.
views_schema_6005 ./views.install Enlarge the base_table column.
views_schema_6006 ./views.install Add the cache_views_data table to support standard caching.
views_schema_6008 ./views.install Add the primary key to views_display table.
views_schema_6009 ./views.install Enlarge the views_display.display_options field to accommodate a larger set of configurations (e. g. fields, filters, etc.) on a display. 1
views_schema_6010 ./views.install Remove the view_php field.

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