22 calls to views_include()

drush_views_analyze in drush/views.drush.inc
Analyze all installed views.
plugins.inc in includes/plugins.inc
Built in plugins for Views output handling.
ViewsCacheTest::getBasicView in tests/views_cache.test
Build and return a basic view of the views_test table.
ViewsSqlTest::getBasicPageView in tests/views_query.test
Build and return a Page view of the views_test table.
ViewsSqlTest::getBasicView in tests/views_query.test
Build and return a basic view of the views_test table.
views_block_info in ./views.module
Implements hook_block_info().
views_fetch_data in ./views.module
Fetch Views' data from the cache.
views_fetch_plugin_data in ./views.module
Fetch the plugin data from cache.
views_get_handler in ./views.module
Fetch a handler from the data cache.
views_get_plugin in ./views.module
Get a handler for a plugin.
views_handler_field_ctools_dropdown::render in handlers/views_handler_field_ctools_dropdown.inc
Render the dropdown button.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::get_temporary_view in handlers/views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc
Helper function to create a pseudo view.
views_include_handlers in ./views.module
Load views files on behalf of modules.
views_new_view in ./views.module
Create an empty view to work with.
views_ui::list_form in plugins/export_ui/views_ui.class.php
Create the filter/sort form at the top of a list of exports.
views_ui::list_render in plugins/export_ui/views_ui.class.php
Render all of the rows together.
views_ui_ajax_form in includes/admin.inc
Generic entry point to handle forms.
views_ui_analyze_view_form in includes/admin.inc
Form constructor callback to display analysis information on a view.
views_ui_autocomplete_tag in includes/admin.inc
Page callback for views tag autocomplete.
views_ui_cache_load in ./views_ui.module
Specialized menu callback to load a view and check its locked status.
views_ui_import_validate in includes/admin.inc
Validate handler to import a view.
_views_fetch_plugin_data in includes/cache.inc
Fetch the plugin data from cache.