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Title Object type File name Summary
ArchiverInterface interface includes/ Defines the common interface for all Archiver classes.
ArchiverInterface::add function includes/ Adds the specified file or directory to the archive.
ArchiverInterface::extract function includes/ Extracts multiple files in the archive to the specified path.
ArchiverInterface::listContents function includes/ Lists all files in the archive.
ArchiverInterface::remove function includes/ Removes the specified file from the archive.
ArchiverInterface::__construct function includes/ Constructs a new archiver instance.
Automatic interface translation import group includes/ Functions to create batches for importing translations.
CommentApprovalTest::testApprovalAdminInterface function modules/comment/comment.test Test comment approval functionality through admin/content/comment.
CommentApprovalTest::testApprovalNodeInterface function modules/comment/comment.test Test comment approval functionality through node interface.
CommentInterfaceTest class modules/comment/comment.test
CommentInterfaceTest::$comment property modules/comment/comment.test
CommentInterfaceTest::$web_user2 property modules/comment/comment.test
CommentInterfaceTest::assertCommentLinks function modules/comment/comment.test Asserts that comment links appear according to the passed environment setup.
CommentInterfaceTest::getInfo function modules/comment/comment.test
CommentInterfaceTest::setEnvironment function modules/comment/comment.test Re-configures the environment, module settings, and user permissions.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentClasses function modules/comment/comment.test Tests CSS classes on comments.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentInterface function modules/comment/comment.test Test comment interface.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentLinks function modules/comment/comment.test Tests comment links.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNewCommentsIndicator function modules/comment/comment.test Tests new comment marker.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNodeCommentStatistics function modules/comment/comment.test Tests the node comment statistics.
DatabaseStatementInterface interface includes/database/ Represents a prepared statement.
DatabaseStatementInterface::execute function includes/database/ Executes a prepared statement
DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllAssoc function includes/database/ Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field.
DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed function includes/database/ Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.
DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAssoc function includes/database/ Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array.
DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchCol function includes/database/ Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.
DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchField function includes/database/ Returns a single field from the next record of a result set.
DatabaseStatementInterface::getQueryString function includes/database/ Gets the query string of this statement.
DatabaseStatementInterface::rowCount function includes/database/ Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement.
DrupalAutoloadTestInterface interface modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ This interface is empty because we only care if Drupal can find it.
DrupalCacheInterface interface includes/ Defines an interface for cache implementations.
DrupalCacheInterface::clear function includes/ Expires data from the cache.
DrupalCacheInterface::get function includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache.
DrupalCacheInterface::getMultiple function includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs.
DrupalCacheInterface::isEmpty function includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty.
DrupalCacheInterface::set function includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache.
DrupalEntityControllerInterface interface includes/ Interface for entity controller classes.
DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load function includes/ Loads one or more entities.
DrupalEntityControllerInterface::resetCache function includes/ Resets the internal, static entity cache.
DrupalQueueInterface interface modules/system/
DrupalQueueInterface::claimItem function modules/system/ Claim an item in the queue for processing.
DrupalQueueInterface::createItem function modules/system/ Add a queue item and store it directly to the queue.
DrupalQueueInterface::createQueue function modules/system/ Create a queue.
DrupalQueueInterface::deleteItem function modules/system/ Delete a finished item from the queue.
DrupalQueueInterface::deleteQueue function modules/system/ Delete a queue and every item in the queue.
DrupalQueueInterface::numberOfItems function modules/system/ Retrieve the number of items in the queue.
DrupalQueueInterface::releaseItem function modules/system/ Release an item that the worker could not process, so another
worker can come in and process it before the timeout expires.
DrupalReliableQueueInterface interface modules/system/ Reliable queue interface.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface interface includes/ Drupal stream wrapper extension.
DrupalStreamWrapperInterface::chmod function includes/ Changes permissions of the resource.

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