class UpdateManagerUpdate
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/modules/update/src/Form/UpdateManagerUpdate.php \Drupal\update\Form\UpdateManagerUpdate
- 8.9.x core/modules/update/src/Form/UpdateManagerUpdate.php \Drupal\update\Form\UpdateManagerUpdate
- 11.x core/modules/update/src/Form/UpdateManagerUpdate.php \Drupal\update\Form\UpdateManagerUpdate
Configure update settings for this site.
- class \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase implements \Drupal\Core\Form\FormInterface, \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerInjectionInterface uses \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\DependencySerializationTrait, \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelTrait, \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerTrait, \Drupal\Core\Routing\RedirectDestinationTrait, \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait
- class \Drupal\update\Form\UpdateManagerUpdate extends \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase
Expanded class hierarchy of UpdateManagerUpdate
1 string reference to 'UpdateManagerUpdate'
- update.routing.yml in core/
modules/ update/ update.routing.yml - core/modules/update/update.routing.yml
modules/ update/ src/ Form/ UpdateManagerUpdate.php, line 23
Drupal\update\FormView source
class UpdateManagerUpdate extends FormBase {
* The module handler.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
protected $moduleHandler;
* The Drupal state storage service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface
protected $state;
* Constructs a new UpdateManagerUpdate object.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
* The module handler.
* @param \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface $state
* The state service.
public function __construct(ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, StateInterface $state) {
$this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
$this->state = $state;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFormId() {
return 'update_manager_update_form';
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
return new static($container->get('module_handler'), $container->get('state'));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
->loadInclude('update', 'inc', 'update.manager');
$form['last_check'] = [
'#theme' => 'update_last_check',
'#last' => $this->state
->get('update.last_check', 0),
if (!_update_manager_check_backends($form, 'update')) {
return $form;
$available = update_get_available(TRUE);
if (empty($available)) {
$form['message'] = [
'#markup' => $this->t('There was a problem getting update information. Try again later.'),
return $form;
$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'update/drupal.update.admin';
// This will be a nested array. The first key is the kind of project, which
// can be either 'installed', 'uninstalled', 'manual' (projects which
// require manual updates, such as core). Then, each subarray is an array of
// projects of that type, indexed by project short name, and containing an
// array of data for cells in that project's row in the appropriate table.
$projects = [];
// This stores the actual download link we're going to update from for each
// project in the form, regardless of if it's installed or uninstalled.
$form['project_downloads'] = [
'#tree' => TRUE,
->loadInclude('update', 'inc', '');
$project_data = update_calculate_project_data($available);
$fetch_failed = FALSE;
foreach ($project_data as $name => $project) {
if ($project['status'] === UpdateFetcherInterface::NOT_FETCHED) {
$fetch_failed = TRUE;
// Filter out projects which are up to date already.
if ($project['status'] == UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT) {
// The project name to display can vary based on the info we have.
if (!empty($project['title'])) {
if (!empty($project['link'])) {
$project_name = Link::fromTextAndUrl($project['title'], Url::fromUri($project['link']))->toString();
else {
$project_name = $project['title'];
elseif (!empty($project['info']['name'])) {
$project_name = $project['info']['name'];
else {
$project_name = $name;
if ($project['project_type'] == 'theme' || $project['project_type'] == 'theme-uninstalled') {
$project_name .= ' ' . $this->t('(Theme)');
if (empty($project['recommended'])) {
// If we don't know what to recommend they upgrade to, we should skip
// the project entirely.
$recommended_release = ProjectRelease::createFromArray($project['releases'][$project['recommended']]);
$recommended_version = '{{ release_version }} (<a href="{{ release_link }}" title="{{ project_title }}">{{ release_notes }}</a>)';
$recommended_version_parser = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($recommended_release->getVersion());
if ($recommended_version_parser->getMajorVersion() != $project['existing_major']) {
$recommended_version .= '<div title="{{ major_update_warning_title }}" class="update-major-version-warning">{{ major_update_warning_text }}</div>';
$recommended_version = [
'#type' => 'inline_template',
'#template' => $recommended_version,
'#context' => [
'release_version' => $recommended_release->getVersion(),
'release_link' => $recommended_release->getReleaseUrl(),
'project_title' => $this->t('Release notes for @project_title', [
'@project_title' => $project['title'],
'major_update_warning_title' => $this->t('Major upgrade warning'),
'major_update_warning_text' => $this->t('This update is a major version update which means that it may not be backwards compatible with your currently running version. It is recommended that you read the release notes and proceed at your own risk.'),
'release_notes' => $this->t('Release notes'),
// Create an entry for this project.
$entry = [
'title' => $project_name,
'installed_version' => $project['existing_version'],
'recommended_version' => [
'data' => $recommended_version,
switch ($project['status']) {
case UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SECURE:
case UpdateManagerInterface::REVOKED:
$entry['title'] .= ' ' . $this->t('(Security update)');
$entry['#weight'] = -2;
$type = 'security';
case UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SUPPORTED:
$type = 'unsupported';
$entry['title'] .= ' ' . $this->t('(Unsupported)');
$entry['#weight'] = -1;
case UpdateFetcherInterface::UNKNOWN:
case UpdateFetcherInterface::NOT_FETCHED:
case UpdateFetcherInterface::NOT_CHECKED:
case UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_CURRENT:
$type = 'recommended';
// Jump out of the switch and onto the next project in foreach.
continue 2;
// Use the project title for the tableselect checkboxes.
$entry['title'] = [
'data' => [
'#title' => $entry['title'],
'#markup' => $entry['title'],
$entry['#attributes'] = [
'class' => [
'update-' . $type,
// Drupal core needs to be upgraded manually.
$needs_manual = $project['project_type'] == 'core';
// If the recommended release for a contributed project is not compatible
// with the currently installed version of core, list that project in a
// separate table. If core compatibility is not defined, it means we can't determine
// compatibility requirements (or we're looking at core), so we assume it
// is compatible.
$compatible = $recommended_release->isCoreCompatible() ?? TRUE;
if ($needs_manual) {
$projects['manual'][$name] = $entry;
elseif (!$compatible) {
// If the release has a core_compatibility_message, inject it.
if ($core_compatibility_message = $recommended_release->getCoreCompatibilityMessage()) {
// @todo In
// refactor this into something theme-friendly so we don't have a
// classless <div> here.
$entry['data']['recommended_version']['data']['#template'] .= ' <div>{{ core_compatibility_message }}</div>';
$entry['data']['recommended_version']['data']['#context']['core_compatibility_message'] = $core_compatibility_message;
$projects['not-compatible'][$name] = $entry;
else {
$form['project_downloads'][$name] = [
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $recommended_release->getDownloadUrl(),
// Based on what kind of project this is, save the entry into the
// appropriate subarray.
switch ($project['project_type']) {
case 'module':
case 'theme':
$projects['installed'][$name] = $entry;
case 'module-uninstalled':
case 'theme-uninstalled':
$projects['uninstalled'][$name] = $entry;
if ($fetch_failed) {
$message = [
'#theme' => 'update_fetch_error_message',
if (empty($projects)) {
$form['message'] = [
'#markup' => $this->t('All of your projects are up to date.'),
return $form;
$headers = [
'title' => [
'data' => $this->t('Name'),
'class' => [
'installed_version' => $this->t('Site version'),
'recommended_version' => $this->t('Recommended version'),
if (!empty($projects['installed'])) {
$form['projects'] = [
'#type' => 'tableselect',
'#header' => $headers,
'#options' => $projects['installed'],
if (!empty($projects['uninstalled'])) {
$form['projects']['#prefix'] = '<h2>' . $this->t('Installed') . '</h2>';
if (!empty($projects['uninstalled'])) {
$form['uninstalled_projects'] = [
'#type' => 'tableselect',
'#header' => $headers,
'#options' => $projects['uninstalled'],
'#weight' => 1,
'#prefix' => '<h2>' . $this->t('Uninstalled') . '</h2>',
// If either table has been printed yet, we need a submit button and to
// validate the checkboxes.
if (!empty($projects['installed']) || !empty($projects['uninstalled'])) {
$form['actions'] = [
'#type' => 'actions',
$form['actions']['submit'] = [
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => $this->t('Download these updates'),
if (!empty($projects['manual'])) {
$prefix = '<h2>' . $this->t('Manual updates required') . '</h2>';
$prefix .= '<p>' . $this->t('Automatic updates of Drupal core are not supported at this time.') . '</p>';
$form['manual_updates'] = [
'#type' => 'table',
'#header' => $headers,
'#rows' => $projects['manual'],
'#prefix' => $prefix,
'#weight' => 120,
if (!empty($projects['not-compatible'])) {
$form['not_compatible'] = [
'#type' => 'table',
'#header' => $headers,
'#rows' => $projects['not-compatible'],
'#prefix' => '<h2>' . $this->t('Not compatible') . '</h2>',
'#weight' => 150,
return $form;
* Prepares a row entry for use in a regular table, not a 'tableselect'.
* There are no checkboxes in the 'Manual updates' or 'Not compatible' tables,
* so they will be rendered by '#theme' => 'table', not 'tableselect'. Since
* the data formats are incompatible, this method converts to the format
* expected by '#theme' => 'table'. Generally, rows end up in the main tables
* that have a checkbox to allow the site admin to select which missing
* updates to install. This method is only used for the special case tables
* that have no such checkbox.
* @todo In refactor
* self::buildForm() so that we don't need this method at all.
* @param array[] $row
* The render array for a table row.
protected function removeCheckboxFromRow(array &$row) {
$attributes = $row['#attributes'];
$row = [
'data' => $row,
] + $attributes;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('projects')) {
$installed = array_filter($form_state->getValue('projects'));
if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('uninstalled_projects')) {
$uninstalled = array_filter($form_state->getValue('uninstalled_projects'));
if (empty($installed) && empty($uninstalled)) {
$form_state->setErrorByName('projects', $this->t('You must select at least one project to update.'));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
->loadInclude('update', 'inc', 'update.manager');
$projects = [];
foreach ([
] as $type) {
if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty($type)) {
$projects = array_merge($projects, array_keys(array_filter($form_state->getValue($type))));
$batch_builder = (new BatchBuilder())->setFile($this->moduleHandler
->getPath() . '/')
->setTitle($this->t('Downloading updates'))
->setInitMessage($this->t('Preparing to download selected updates'))
foreach ($projects as $project) {
$batch_builder->addOperation('update_manager_batch_project_get', [
Title Sort descending | Modifiers | Object type | Summary | Overriden Title | Overrides |
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages | protected | property | |||
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds | protected | property | |||
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep | public | function | 1 | ||
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup | public | function | 2 | ||
FormBase::$configFactory | protected | property | The config factory. | 3 | |
FormBase::$requestStack | protected | property | The request stack. | 1 | |
FormBase::$routeMatch | protected | property | The route match. | ||
FormBase::config | protected | function | Retrieves a configuration object. | ||
FormBase::configFactory | protected | function | Gets the config factory for this form. | 3 | |
FormBase::container | private | function | Returns the service container. | ||
FormBase::currentUser | protected | function | Gets the current user. | 2 | |
FormBase::getRequest | protected | function | Gets the request object. | ||
FormBase::getRouteMatch | protected | function | Gets the route match. | ||
FormBase::logger | protected | function | Gets the logger for a specific channel. | ||
FormBase::redirect | protected | function | Returns a redirect response object for the specified route. | ||
FormBase::resetConfigFactory | public | function | Resets the configuration factory. | ||
FormBase::setConfigFactory | public | function | Sets the config factory for this form. | ||
FormBase::setRequestStack | public | function | Sets the request stack object to use. | ||
LoggerChannelTrait::$loggerFactory | protected | property | The logger channel factory service. | ||
LoggerChannelTrait::getLogger | protected | function | Gets the logger for a specific channel. | ||
LoggerChannelTrait::setLoggerFactory | public | function | Injects the logger channel factory. | ||
MessengerTrait::$messenger | protected | property | The messenger. | 16 | |
MessengerTrait::messenger | public | function | Gets the messenger. | 16 | |
MessengerTrait::setMessenger | public | function | Sets the messenger. | ||
RedirectDestinationTrait::$redirectDestination | protected | property | The redirect destination service. | 2 | |
RedirectDestinationTrait::getDestinationArray | protected | function | Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url. | ||
RedirectDestinationTrait::getRedirectDestination | protected | function | Returns the redirect destination service. | ||
RedirectDestinationTrait::setRedirectDestination | public | function | Sets the redirect destination service. | ||
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation | protected | property | The string translation service. | 3 | |
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural | protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | ||
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals | protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | ||
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation | protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | ||
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation | public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 | |
StringTranslationTrait::t | protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::$moduleHandler | protected | property | The module handler. | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::$state | protected | property | The Drupal state storage service. | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::buildForm | public | function | Overrides FormInterface::buildForm | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::create | public static | function | Overrides FormBase::create | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::getFormId | public | function | Overrides FormInterface::getFormId | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::removeCheckboxFromRow | protected | function | Prepares a row entry for use in a regular table, not a 'tableselect'. | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::submitForm | public | function | Overrides FormInterface::submitForm | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::validateForm | public | function | Overrides FormBase::validateForm | ||
UpdateManagerUpdate::__construct | public | function | Constructs a new UpdateManagerUpdate object. |
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