class BuildTestBase

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase
  2. 10 core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase
  3. 11.x core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase

Provides a workspace to test build processes.

If you need to build a file system and then run a command from the command line then this is the test framework for you.

Tests using this interface run in separate processes.

Tests can perform HTTP requests against the assembled codebase.

The results of these HTTP requests can be asserted using Mink.

This framework does not use the same Mink extensions as BrowserTestBase.


  • Provide complete isolation between the test runner and the site under test.
  • Provide a workspace where filesystem build processes can be performed.
  • Allow for the use of PHP's build-in HTTP server to send requests to the site built using the filesystem.
  • Allow for commands and HTTP requests to be made to different subdirectories of the workspace filesystem, to facilitate comparison between different build results, and to support Composer builds which have an alternate docroot.
  • Provide as little framework as possible. Convenience methods should be built into the test, or abstract base classes.
  • Allow parallel testing, using random/unique port numbers for different HTTP servers.
  • Allow the use of PHPUnit-style (at)require annotations for external shell commands.

We don't use UiHelperInterface because it is too tightly integrated to Drupal.


Expanded class hierarchy of BuildTestBase

7 files declare their use of BuildTestBase
BuildTestTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/Tests/BuildTestTest.php
ComposerBuildTestBase.php in core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Composer/ComposerBuildTestBase.php
ComposerHookTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Composer/Plugin/Scaffold/Functional/ComposerHookTest.php
ComposerValidateTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Composer/ComposerValidateTest.php
InstallTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/TestSiteApplication/InstallTest.php

... See full list


core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php, line 53


View source
abstract class BuildTestBase extends TestCase {
    use ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait;
    use PhpUnitWarnings;
    use PhpUnitCompatibilityTrait;
     * The working directory where this test will manipulate files.
     * Use getWorkspaceDirectory() to access this information.
     * @var string
     * @see self::getWorkspaceDirectory()
    private $workspaceDir;
     * The process that's running the HTTP server.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\Process\Process
     * @see self::standUpServer()
     * @see self::stopServer()
    private $serverProcess = NULL;
     * Default to destroying build artifacts after a test finishes.
     * Mainly useful for debugging.
     * @var bool
    protected $destroyBuild = TRUE;
     * The docroot for the server process.
     * This stores the last docroot directory used to start the server process. We
     * keep this information so we can restart the server if the desired docroot
     * changes.
     * @var string
    private $serverDocroot = NULL;
     * Our native host name, used by PHP when it starts up the server.
     * Requests should always be made to 'localhost', and not this IP address.
     * @var string
    private static $hostName = '';
     * Port that will be tested.
     * Generated internally. Use getPortNumber().
     * @var int
    private $hostPort;
     * A list of ports used by the test.
     * Prevent the same process finding the same port by storing a list of ports
     * already discovered. This also stores locks so they are not released until
     * the test class is torn down.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\Lock\LockInterface[]
    private $portLocks = [];
     * The Mink session manager.
     * @var \Behat\Mink\Mink
    private $mink;
     * The most recent command process.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\Process\Process
     * @see ::executeCommand()
    private $commandProcess;
     * The PHP executable finder.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder
    private $phpFinder;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {
        $this->phpFinder = new PhpExecutableFinder();
        // Set up the workspace directory.
        // @todo Glean working directory from env vars, etc.
        $fs = new SymfonyFilesystem();
        $this->workspaceDir = $fs->tempnam(DrupalFilesystem::getOsTemporaryDirectory(), '/build_workspace_' . md5($this->getName() . microtime(TRUE)));
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function tearDown() {
        foreach ($this->portLocks as $lock) {
        $ws = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory();
        $fs = new SymfonyFilesystem();
        if ($this->destroyBuild && $fs->exists($ws)) {
            // Filter out symlinks as chmod cannot alter them.
            $finder = new Finder();
            $fs->chmod($finder->getIterator(), 0775, 00);
     * Get the working directory within the workspace, creating if necessary.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The path within the workspace directory.
     * @return string
     *   The full path to the working directory within the workspace directory.
    protected function getWorkingPath($working_dir = NULL) {
        $full_path = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory();
        if ($working_dir) {
            $full_path .= '/' . $working_dir;
        if (!file_exists($full_path)) {
            $fs = new SymfonyFilesystem();
        return $full_path;
     * Set up the Mink session manager.
     * @return \Behat\Mink\Session
    protected function initMink() {
        $client = new DrupalTestBrowser();
        $driver = new BrowserKitDriver($client);
        $session = new Session($driver);
        $this->mink = new Mink();
            ->registerSession('default', $session);
        return $session;
     * Get the Mink instance.
     * Use the Mink object to perform assertions against the content returned by a
     * request.
     * @return \Behat\Mink\Mink
     *   The Mink object.
    public function getMink() {
        return $this->mink;
     * Full path to the workspace where this test can build.
     * This is often a directory within the system's temporary directory.
     * @return string
     *   Full path to the workspace where this test can build.
    public function getWorkspaceDirectory() {
        return $this->workspaceDir;
     * Assert that text is present in the error output of the most recent command.
     * @param string $expected
     *   Text we expect to find in the error output of the command.
    public function assertErrorOutputContains($expected) {
        $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $this->commandProcess
     * Assert text is not present in the error output of the most recent command.
     * @param string $expected
     *   Text we expect not to find in the error output of the command.
    public function assertErrorOutputNotContains($expected) {
        $this->assertStringNotContainsString($expected, $this->commandProcess
     * Assert that text is present in the output of the most recent command.
     * @param string $expected
     *   Text we expect to find in the output of the command.
    public function assertCommandOutputContains($expected) {
        $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $this->commandProcess
     * Asserts that the last command ran without error.
     * This assertion checks whether the last command returned an exit code of 0.
     * If you need to assert a different exit code, then you can use
     * executeCommand() and perform a different assertion on the process object.
    public function assertCommandSuccessful() {
        return $this->assertCommandExitCode(0);
     * Asserts that the last command returned the specified exit code.
     * @param int $expected_code
     *   The expected process exit code.
    public function assertCommandExitCode($expected_code) {
        $this->assertEquals($expected_code, $this->commandProcess
            ->getExitCode(), 'COMMAND: ' . $this->commandProcess
            ->getCommandLine() . "\n" . 'OUTPUT: ' . $this->commandProcess
            ->getOutput() . "\n" . 'ERROR: ' . $this->commandProcess
            ->getErrorOutput() . "\n");
     * Run a command.
     * @param string $command_line
     *   A command line to run in an isolated process.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   (optional) A working directory relative to the workspace, within which to
     *   execute the command. Defaults to the workspace directory.
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Process\Process
    public function executeCommand($command_line, $working_dir = NULL) {
        $this->commandProcess = Process::fromShellCommandline($command_line);
        return $this->commandProcess;
     * Helper function to assert that the last visit was a Drupal site.
     * This method asserts that the X-Generator header shows that the site is a
     * Drupal site.
    public function assertDrupalVisit() {
            ->responseHeaderMatches('X-Generator', '/Drupal \\d+ \\(https:\\/\\/\\)/');
     * Visit a URI on the HTTP server.
     * The concept here is that there could be multiple potential docroots in the
     * workspace, so you can use whichever ones you want.
     * @param string $request_uri
     *   (optional) The non-host part of the URL. Example: /some/path?foo=bar.
     *   Defaults to visiting the homepage.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   (optional) Relative path within the test workspace file system that will
     *   be the docroot for the request. Defaults to the workspace directory.
     * @return \Behat\Mink\Mink
     *   The Mink object. Perform assertions against this.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     *   Thrown when $request_uri does not start with a slash.
    public function visit($request_uri = '/', $working_dir = NULL) {
        if ($request_uri[0] !== '/') {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('URI: ' . $request_uri . ' must be relative. Example: /some/path?foo=bar');
        // Try to make a server.
        $request = 'http://localhost:' . $this->getPortNumber() . $request_uri;
        return $this->mink;
     * Makes a local test server using PHP's internal HTTP server.
     * Test authors should call visit() or assertVisit() instead.
     * @param string|null $working_dir
     *   (optional) Server docroot relative to the workspace file system. Defaults
     *   to the workspace directory.
    protected function standUpServer($working_dir = NULL) {
        // If the user wants to test a new docroot, we have to shut down the old
        // server process and generate a new port number.
        if ($working_dir !== $this->serverDocroot && !empty($this->serverProcess)) {
        // If there's not a server at this point, make one.
        if (!$this->serverProcess || $this->serverProcess
            ->isTerminated()) {
            $this->serverProcess = $this->instantiateServer($this->getPortNumber(), $working_dir);
            if ($this->serverProcess) {
                $this->serverDocroot = $working_dir;
     * Do the work of making a server process.
     * Test authors should call visit() or assertVisit() instead.
     * When initializing the server, if '.ht.router.php' exists in the root, it is
     * leveraged. If testing with a version of Drupal before 8.5.x., this file
     * does not exist.
     * @param int $port
     *   The port number for the server.
     * @param string|null $working_dir
     *   (optional) Server docroot relative to the workspace filesystem. Defaults
     *   to the workspace directory.
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Process\Process
     *   The server process.
     * @throws \RuntimeException
     *   Thrown if we were unable to start a web server.
    protected function instantiateServer($port, $working_dir = NULL) {
        $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder();
        $working_path = $this->getWorkingPath($working_dir);
        $server = [
            self::$hostName . ':' . $port,
        if (file_exists($working_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.ht.router.php')) {
            $server[] = $working_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.ht.router.php';
        $ps = new Process($server, $working_path);
        // Wait until the web server has started. It is started if the port is no
        // longer available.
        for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
            if (!$this->checkPortIsAvailable($port)) {
                return $ps;
        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to start the web server.\nCMD: %s \nCODE: %d\nSTATUS: %s\nOUTPUT:\n%s\n\nERROR OUTPUT:\n%s", $ps->getCommandLine(), $ps->getExitCode(), $ps->getStatus(), $ps->getOutput(), $ps->getErrorOutput()));
     * Stop the HTTP server, zero out all necessary variables.
    protected function stopServer() {
        if (!empty($this->serverProcess)) {
        $this->serverProcess = NULL;
        $this->serverDocroot = NULL;
        $this->hostPort = NULL;
     * Discover an available port number.
     * @return int
     *   The available port number that we discovered.
     * @throws \RuntimeException
     *   Thrown when there are no available ports within the range.
    protected function findAvailablePort() {
        $store = new FlockStore(DrupalFilesystem::getOsTemporaryDirectory());
        $lock_factory = new LockFactory($store);
        $counter = 100;
        while ($counter--) {
            // Limit to 9999 as higher ports cause random fails on DrupalCI.
            $port = random_int(1024, 9999);
            if (isset($this->portLocks[$port])) {
            // Take a lock so that no other process can use the same port number even
            // if the server is yet to start.
            $lock = $lock_factory->createLock('drupal-build-test-port-' . $port);
            if ($lock->acquire()) {
                if ($this->checkPortIsAvailable($port)) {
                    $this->portLocks[$port] = $lock;
                    return $port;
                else {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to find a port available to run the web server.');
     * Checks whether a port is available.
     * @param $port
     *   A number between 1024 and 65536.
     * @return bool
    protected function checkPortIsAvailable($port) {
        $fp = @fsockopen(self::$hostName, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1);
        // If fsockopen() fails to connect, probably nothing is listening.
        // It could be a firewall but that's impossible to detect, so as a
        // best guess let's return it as available.
        if ($fp === FALSE) {
            return TRUE;
        else {
        return FALSE;
     * Get the port number for requests.
     * Test should never call this. Used by standUpServer().
     * @return int
    protected function getPortNumber() {
        if (empty($this->hostPort)) {
            $this->hostPort = $this->findAvailablePort();
        return $this->hostPort;
     * Copy the current working codebase into a workspace.
     * Use this method to copy the current codebase, including any patched
     * changes, into the workspace.
     * By default, the copy will exclude sites/default/settings.php,
     * sites/default/files, and vendor/. Use the $iterator parameter to override
     * this behavior.
     * @param \Iterator|null $iterator
     *   (optional) An iterator of all the files to copy. Default behavior is to
     *   exclude site-specific directories and files.
     * @param string|null $working_dir
     *   (optional) Relative path within the test workspace file system that will
     *   contain the copy of the codebase. Defaults to the workspace directory.
    public function copyCodebase(\Iterator $iterator = NULL, $working_dir = NULL) {
        $working_path = $this->getWorkingPath($working_dir);
        if ($iterator === NULL) {
            $iterator = $this->getCodebaseFinder()
        $fs = new SymfonyFilesystem();
        $options = [
            'override' => TRUE,
            'delete' => FALSE,
        $fs->mirror($this->getDrupalRoot(), $working_path, $iterator, $options);
     * Get a default Finder object for a Drupal codebase.
     * This method can be used two ways:
     * - Override this method and provide your own default Finder object for
     *   copyCodebase().
     * - Call the method to get a default Finder object which can then be
     *   modified for other purposes.
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder
     *   A Finder object ready to iterate over core codebase.
    public function getCodebaseFinder() {
        $finder = new Finder();
        return $finder;
     * Get the root path of this Drupal codebase.
     * @return string
     *   The full path to the root of this Drupal codebase.
    protected function getDrupalRoot() {
        return realpath(dirname(__DIR__, 5));



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overrides
BuildTestBase::$commandProcess private property The most recent command process.
BuildTestBase::$destroyBuild protected property Default to destroying build artifacts after a test finishes.
BuildTestBase::$hostName private static property Our native host name, used by PHP when it starts up the server.
BuildTestBase::$hostPort private property Port that will be tested.
BuildTestBase::$mink private property The Mink session manager.
BuildTestBase::$phpFinder private property The PHP executable finder.
BuildTestBase::$portLocks private property A list of ports used by the test.
BuildTestBase::$serverDocroot private property The docroot for the server process.
BuildTestBase::$serverProcess private property The process that&#039;s running the HTTP server.
BuildTestBase::$workspaceDir private property The working directory where this test will manipulate files.
BuildTestBase::assertCommandExitCode public function Asserts that the last command returned the specified exit code.
BuildTestBase::assertCommandOutputContains public function Assert that text is present in the output of the most recent command.
BuildTestBase::assertCommandSuccessful public function Asserts that the last command ran without error.
BuildTestBase::assertDrupalVisit public function Helper function to assert that the last visit was a Drupal site.
BuildTestBase::assertErrorOutputContains public function Assert that text is present in the error output of the most recent command.
BuildTestBase::assertErrorOutputNotContains public function Assert text is not present in the error output of the most recent command.
BuildTestBase::checkPortIsAvailable protected function Checks whether a port is available.
BuildTestBase::copyCodebase public function Copy the current working codebase into a workspace.
BuildTestBase::executeCommand public function Run a command.
BuildTestBase::findAvailablePort protected function Discover an available port number.
BuildTestBase::getCodebaseFinder public function Get a default Finder object for a Drupal codebase.
BuildTestBase::getDrupalRoot protected function Get the root path of this Drupal codebase.
BuildTestBase::getMink public function Get the Mink instance.
BuildTestBase::getPortNumber protected function Get the port number for requests.
BuildTestBase::getWorkingPath protected function Get the working directory within the workspace, creating if necessary.
BuildTestBase::getWorkspaceDirectory public function Full path to the workspace where this test can build.
BuildTestBase::initMink protected function Set up the Mink session manager.
BuildTestBase::instantiateServer protected function Do the work of making a server process.
BuildTestBase::setUp protected function 2
BuildTestBase::setUpBeforeClass public static function
BuildTestBase::standUpServer protected function Makes a local test server using PHP&#039;s internal HTTP server.
BuildTestBase::stopServer protected function Stop the HTTP server, zero out all necessary variables.
BuildTestBase::tearDown protected function 1
BuildTestBase::visit public function Visit a URI on the HTTP server.
ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait::$existingCommands private static property A list of existing external commands we&#039;ve already discovered.
ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait::checkClassCommandRequirements private static function Checks whether required external commands are available per test class.
ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait::checkExternalCommandRequirements private static function Checks missing external command requirements.
ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait::checkMethodCommandRequirements private static function Checks whether required external commands are available per method.
ExternalCommandRequirementsTrait::externalCommandIsAvailable private static function Determine if an external command is available. 3
PhpUnitWarnings::$deprecationWarnings private static property Deprecation warnings from PHPUnit to raise with @trigger_error().
PhpUnitWarnings::addWarning public function Converts PHPUnit deprecation warnings to E_USER_DEPRECATED.

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