function drupal_build_form

Builds and process a form based on a form id.

The form may also be retrieved from the cache if the form was built in a previous page-load. The form is then passed on for processing, validation and submission if there is proper input.


$form_id: The unique string identifying the desired form. If a function with that name exists, it is called to build the form array. Modules that need to generate the same form (or very similar forms) using different $form_ids can implement hook_forms(), which maps different $form_id values to the proper form constructor function. Examples may be found in node_forms(), and search_forms().

$form_state: An array which stores information about the form. This is passed as a reference so that the caller can use it to examine what in the form changed when the form submission process is complete. Furthermore, it may be used to store information related to the processed data in the form, which will persist across page requests when the 'cache' or 'rebuild' flag is set. The following parameters may be set in $form_state to affect how the form is rendered:

  • build_info: Internal. An associative array of information stored by Form API that is necessary to build and rebuild the form from cache when the original context may no longer be available:

    • args: A list of arguments to pass to the form constructor.
    • files: An optional array defining include files that need to be loaded for building the form. Each array entry may be the path to a file or another array containing values for the parameters 'type', 'module' and 'name' as needed by module_load_include(). The files listed here are automatically loaded by form_get_cache(). By default the current menu router item's 'file' definition is added, if any. Use form_load_include() to add include files from a form constructor.
    • form_id: Identification of the primary form being constructed and processed.
    • base_form_id: Identification for a base form, as declared in a hook_forms() implementation.
    • immutable: If this flag is set to TRUE, a new form build id is generated when the form is loaded from the cache. If it is subsequently saved to the cache again, it will have another cache id and therefore the original form and form-state will remain unaltered. This is important when page caching is enabled in order to prevent form state from leaking between anonymous users.
  • rebuild_info: Internal. Similar to 'build_info', but pertaining to drupal_rebuild_form().
  • rebuild: Normally, after the entire form processing is completed and submit handlers have run, a form is considered to be done and drupal_redirect_form() will redirect the user to a new page using a GET request (so a browser refresh does not re-submit the form). However, if 'rebuild' has been set to TRUE, then a new copy of the form is immediately built and sent to the browser, instead of a redirect. This is used for multi-step forms, such as wizards and confirmation forms. Normally, $form_state['rebuild'] is set by a submit handler, since it is usually logic within a submit handler that determines whether a form is done or requires another step. However, a validation handler may already set $form_state['rebuild'] to cause the form processing to bypass submit handlers and rebuild the form instead, even if there are no validation errors.
  • redirect: Used to redirect the form on submission. It may either be a string containing the destination URL, or an array of arguments compatible with drupal_goto(). See drupal_redirect_form() for complete information.
  • no_redirect: If set to TRUE the form will NOT perform a drupal_goto(), even if 'redirect' is set.
  • method: The HTTP form method to use for finding the input for this form. May be 'post' or 'get'. Defaults to 'post'. Note that 'get' method forms do not use form ids so are always considered to be submitted, which can have unexpected effects. The 'get' method should only be used on forms that do not change data, as that is exclusively the domain of 'post.'
  • cache: If set to TRUE the original, unprocessed form structure will be cached, which allows the entire form to be rebuilt from cache. A typical form workflow involves two page requests; first, a form is built and rendered for the user to fill in. Then, the user fills the form in and submits it, triggering a second page request in which the form must be built and processed. By default, $form and $form_state are built from scratch during each of these page requests. Often, it is necessary or desired to persist the $form and $form_state variables from the initial page request to the one that processes the submission. 'cache' can be set to TRUE to do this. A prominent example is an Ajax-enabled form, in which ajax_process_form() enables form caching for all forms that include an element with the #ajax property. (The Ajax handler has no way to build the form itself, so must rely on the cached version.) Note that the persistence of $form and $form_state happens automatically for (multi-step) forms having the 'rebuild' flag set, regardless of the value for 'cache'.
  • no_cache: If set to TRUE the form will NOT be cached, even if 'cache' is set.
  • values: An associative array of values submitted to the form. The validation functions and submit functions use this array for nearly all their decision making. (Note that #tree determines whether the values are a flat array or an array whose structure parallels the $form array. See Form API reference for more information.) These are raw and unvalidated, so should not be used without a thorough understanding of security implications. In almost all cases, code should use the data in the 'values' array exclusively. The most common use of this key is for multi-step forms that need to clear some of the user input when setting 'rebuild'. The values correspond to $_POST or $_GET, depending on the 'method' chosen.
  • always_process: If TRUE and the method is GET, a form_id is not necessary. This should only be used on RESTful GET forms that do NOT write data, as this could lead to security issues. It is useful so that searches do not need to have a form_id in their query arguments to trigger the search.
  • must_validate: Ordinarily, a form is only validated once, but there are times when a form is resubmitted internally and should be validated again. Setting this to TRUE will force that to happen. This is most likely to occur during Ajax operations.
  • programmed: If TRUE, the form was submitted programmatically, usually invoked via drupal_form_submit(). Defaults to FALSE.
  • programmed_bypass_access_check: If TRUE, programmatic form submissions are processed without taking #access into account. Set this to FALSE when submitting a form programmatically with values that may have been input by the user executing the current request; this will cause #access to be respected as it would on a normal form submission. Defaults to TRUE.
  • process_input: Boolean flag. TRUE signifies correct form submission. This is always TRUE for programmed forms coming from drupal_form_submit() (see 'programmed' key), or if the form_id coming from the $_POST data is set and matches the current form_id.
  • submitted: If TRUE, the form has been submitted. Defaults to FALSE.
  • executed: If TRUE, the form was submitted and has been processed and executed. Defaults to FALSE.
  • triggering_element: (read-only) The form element that triggered submission. This is the same as the deprecated $form_state['clicked_button']. It is the element that caused submission, which may or may not be a button (in the case of Ajax forms). This key is often used to distinguish between various buttons in a submit handler, and is also used in Ajax handlers.
  • clicked_button: Deprecated. Use triggering_element instead.
  • has_file_element: Internal. If TRUE, there is a file element and Form API will set the appropriate 'enctype' HTML attribute on the form.
  • groups: Internal. An array containing references to fieldsets to render them within vertical tabs.
  • storage: $form_state['storage'] is not a special key, and no specific support is provided for it in the Form API. By tradition it was the location where application-specific data was stored for communication between the submit, validation, and form builder functions, especially in a multi-step-style form. Form implementations may use any key(s) within $form_state (other than the keys listed here and other reserved ones used by Form API internals) for this kind of storage. The recommended way to ensure that the chosen key doesn't conflict with ones used by the Form API or other modules is to use the module name as the key name or a prefix for the key name. For example, the Node module uses $form_state['node'] in node editing forms to store information about the node being edited, and this information stays available across successive clicks of the "Preview" button as well as when the "Save" button is finally clicked.
  • buttons: A list containing copies of all submit and button elements in the form.
  • complete form: A reference to the $form variable containing the complete form structure. #process, #after_build, #element_validate, and other handlers being invoked on a form element may use this reference to access other information in the form the element is contained in.
  • temporary: An array holding temporary data accessible during the current page request only. All $form_state properties that are not reserved keys (see form_state_keys_no_cache()) persist throughout a multistep form sequence. Form API provides this key for modules to communicate information across form-related functions during a single page request. It may be used to temporarily save data that does not need to or should not be cached during the whole form workflow; e.g., data that needs to be accessed during the current form build process only. There is no use-case for this functionality in Drupal core.
  • wrapper_callback: Modules that wish to pre-populate certain forms with common elements, such as back/next/save buttons in multi-step form wizards, may define a form builder function name that returns a form structure, which is passed on to the actual form builder function. Such implementations may either define the 'wrapper_callback' via hook_forms() or have to invoke drupal_build_form() (instead of drupal_get_form()) on their own in a custom menu callback to prepare $form_state accordingly.

Information on how certain $form_state properties control redirection behavior after form submission may be found in drupal_redirect_form().

Return value

The rendered form. This function may also perform a redirect and hence may not return at all, depending upon the $form_state flags that were set.

See also


Related topics

3 calls to drupal_build_form()
drupal_get_form in includes/
Returns a renderable form array for a given form ID.
form_test_wrapper_callback in modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module
Menu callback; Invokes a form builder function with a wrapper callback.
install_run_task in includes/
Runs an individual installation task.


includes/, line 314


function drupal_build_form($form_id, &$form_state) {
    // Ensure some defaults; if already set they will not be overridden.
    $form_state += form_state_defaults();
    if (!isset($form_state['input'])) {
        $form_state['input'] = $form_state['method'] == 'get' ? $_GET : $_POST;
    if (isset($_SESSION['batch_form_state'])) {
        // We've been redirected here after a batch processing. The form has
        // already been processed, but needs to be rebuilt. See _batch_finished().
        $form_state = $_SESSION['batch_form_state'];
        return drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state);
    // If the incoming input contains a form_build_id, we'll check the cache for a
    // copy of the form in question. If it's there, we don't have to rebuild the
    // form to proceed. In addition, if there is stored form_state data from a
    // previous step, we'll retrieve it so it can be passed on to the form
    // processing code.
    $check_cache = isset($form_state['input']['form_id']) && $form_state['input']['form_id'] == $form_id && !empty($form_state['input']['form_build_id']);
    if ($check_cache) {
        $form = form_get_cache($form_state['input']['form_build_id'], $form_state);
    // If the previous bit of code didn't result in a populated $form object, we
    // are hitting the form for the first time and we need to build it from
    // scratch.
    if (!isset($form)) {
        // If we attempted to serve the form from cache, uncacheable $form_state
        // keys need to be removed after retrieving and preparing the form, except
        // any that were already set prior to retrieving the form.
        if ($check_cache) {
            $form_state_before_retrieval = $form_state;
        $form = drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, $form_state);
        drupal_prepare_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);
        // form_set_cache() removes uncacheable $form_state keys defined in
        // form_state_keys_no_cache() in order for multi-step forms to work
        // properly. This means that form processing logic for single-step forms
        // using $form_state['cache'] may depend on data stored in those keys
        // during drupal_retrieve_form()/drupal_prepare_form(), but form
        // processing should not depend on whether the form is cached or not, so
        // $form_state is adjusted to match what it would be after a
        // form_set_cache()/form_get_cache() sequence. These exceptions are
        // allowed to survive here:
        // - always_process: Does not make sense in conjunction with form caching
        //   in the first place, since passing form_build_id as a GET parameter is
        //   not desired.
        // - temporary: Any assigned data is expected to survives within the same
        //   page request.
        if ($check_cache) {
            $uncacheable_keys = array_flip(array_diff(form_state_keys_no_cache(), array(
            $form_state = array_diff_key($form_state, $uncacheable_keys);
            $form_state += $form_state_before_retrieval;
    // Now that we have a constructed form, process it. This is where:
    // - Element #process functions get called to further refine $form.
    // - User input, if any, gets incorporated in the #value property of the
    //   corresponding elements and into $form_state['values'].
    // - Validation and submission handlers are called.
    // - If this submission is part of a multistep workflow, the form is rebuilt
    //   to contain the information of the next step.
    // - If necessary, the form and form state are cached or re-cached, so that
    //   appropriate information persists to the next page request.
    // All of the handlers in the pipeline receive $form_state by reference and
    // can use it to know or update information about the state of the form.
    drupal_process_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);
    // If this was a successful submission of a single-step form or the last step
    // of a multi-step form, then drupal_process_form() issued a redirect to
    // another page, or back to this page, but as a new request. Therefore, if
    // we're here, it means that this is either a form being viewed initially
    // before any user input, or there was a validation error requiring the form
    // to be re-displayed, or we're in a multi-step workflow and need to display
    // the form's next step. In any case, we have what we need in $form, and can
    // return it for rendering.
    return $form;

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