function menu_tree_page_data

Gets the data structure for a named menu tree, based on the current page.

The tree order is maintained by storing each parent in an individual field, see for more.


$menu_name: The named menu links to return.

$max_depth: (optional) The maximum depth of links to retrieve.

$only_active_trail: (optional) Whether to only return the links in the active trail (TRUE) instead of all links on every level of the menu link tree (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE. Internally used for breadcrumbs only.

Return value

An array of menu links, in the order they should be rendered. The array is a list of associative arrays -- these have two keys, link and below. link is a menu item, ready for theming as a link. Below represents the submenu below the link if there is one, and it is a subtree that has the same structure described for the top-level array.

Related topics

3 calls to menu_tree_page_data()
menu_navigation_links in includes/
Returns an array of links for a navigation menu.
menu_set_active_trail in includes/
Sets the active trail (path to the menu tree root) of the current page.
menu_tree in includes/
Renders a menu tree based on the current path.
1 string reference to 'menu_tree_page_data'
menu_reset_static_cache in includes/
Resets the menu system static cache.


includes/, line 1225


function menu_tree_page_data($menu_name, $max_depth = NULL, $only_active_trail = FALSE) {
    $tree =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
    // Check if the active trail has been overridden for this menu tree.
    $active_path = menu_tree_get_path($menu_name);
    // Load the menu item corresponding to the current page.
    if ($item = menu_get_item($active_path)) {
        if (isset($max_depth)) {
            $max_depth = min($max_depth, MENU_MAX_DEPTH);
        // Generate a cache ID (cid) specific for this page.
        $cid = 'links:' . $menu_name . ':page:' . $item['href'] . ':' . $GLOBALS['language']->language . ':' . (int) $item['access'] . ':' . (int) $max_depth;
        // If we are asked for the active trail only, and $menu_name has not been
        // built and cached for this page yet, then this likely means that it
        // won't be built anymore, as this function is invoked from
        // template_process_page(). So in order to not build a giant menu tree
        // that needs to be checked for access on all levels, we simply check
        // whether we have the menu already in cache, or otherwise, build a minimum
        // tree containing the breadcrumb/active trail only.
        // @see menu_set_active_trail()
        if (!isset($tree[$cid]) && $only_active_trail) {
            $cid .= ':trail';
        if (!isset($tree[$cid])) {
            // If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}.
            $cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu');
            if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) {
                // If the cache entry exists, it contains the parameters for
                // menu_build_tree().
                $tree_parameters = $cache->data;
            // If the tree data was not in the cache, build $tree_parameters.
            if (!isset($tree_parameters)) {
                $tree_parameters = array(
                    'min_depth' => 1,
                    'max_depth' => $max_depth,
                // Parent mlids; used both as key and value to ensure uniqueness.
                // We always want all the top-level links with plid == 0.
                $active_trail = array(
                    0 => 0,
                // If the item for the current page is accessible, build the tree
                // parameters accordingly.
                if ($item['access']) {
                    // Find a menu link corresponding to the current path. If $active_path
                    // is NULL, let menu_link_get_preferred() determine the path.
                    if ($active_link = menu_link_get_preferred($active_path, $menu_name)) {
                        // The active link may only be taken into account to build the
                        // active trail, if it resides in the requested menu. Otherwise,
                        // we'd needlessly re-run _menu_build_tree() queries for every menu
                        // on every page.
                        if ($active_link['menu_name'] == $menu_name) {
                            // Use all the coordinates, except the last one because there
                            // can be no child beyond the last column.
                            for ($i = 1; $i < MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) {
                                if ($active_link['p' . $i]) {
                                    $active_trail[$active_link['p' . $i]] = $active_link['p' . $i];
                            // If we are asked to build links for the active trail only, skip
                            // the entire 'expanded' handling.
                            if ($only_active_trail) {
                                $tree_parameters['only_active_trail'] = TRUE;
                    $parents = $active_trail;
                    $expanded = variable_get('menu_expanded', array());
                    // Check whether the current menu has any links set to be expanded.
                    if (!$only_active_trail && in_array($menu_name, $expanded)) {
                        // Collect all the links set to be expanded, and then add all of
                        // their children to the list as well.
                        do {
                            $result = db_select('menu_links', NULL, array(
                                'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
                            ))->fields('menu_links', array(
                                ->condition('menu_name', $menu_name)
                                ->condition('expanded', 1)
                                ->condition('has_children', 1)
                                ->condition('plid', $parents, 'IN')
                                ->condition('mlid', $parents, 'NOT IN')
                            $num_rows = FALSE;
                            foreach ($result as $item) {
                                $parents[$item['mlid']] = $item['mlid'];
                                $num_rows = TRUE;
                        } while ($num_rows);
                    $tree_parameters['expanded'] = $parents;
                    $tree_parameters['active_trail'] = $active_trail;
                else {
                    $tree_parameters['expanded'] = $active_trail;
                    $tree_parameters['active_trail'] = $active_trail;
                // Cache the tree building parameters using the page-specific cid.
                cache_set($cid, $tree_parameters, 'cache_menu');
            // Build the tree using the parameters; the resulting tree will be cached
            // by _menu_build_tree().
            $tree[$cid] = menu_build_tree($menu_name, $tree_parameters);
        return $tree[$cid];
    return array();

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