function contextual_links_example_block_view

Implements hook_block_view().

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contextual_links_example/contextual_links_example.module, line 186


function contextual_links_example_block_view($delta = '') {
    if ($delta == 'example') {
        // Display our module's content inside a block. In a real use case, we
        // might define a new block for each object that exists. For the sake of
        // this example, though, we only define one block and hardcode it to always
        // display object #1.
        $id = 1;
        $object = contextual_links_example_object_load($id);
        $block['subject'] = t('Contextual links example block for object @id', array(
            '@id' => $id,
        $block['content'] = array(
            // In order to attach contextual links, the block's content must be a
            // renderable array. (Normally this would involve themed output using
            // #theme, but for simplicity we just use HTML markup directly here.)
'#type' => 'markup',
            '#markup' => filter_xss($object->content),
            // Contextual links are attached to the block array using the special
            // #contextual_links property. The #contextual_links property contains an
            // array, keyed by the name of each module that is attaching contextual
            // links to it.
'#contextual_links' => array(
                'contextual_links_example' => array(
                    // Each element is itself an array, containing two elements which are
                    // combined together to form the base path whose contextual links
                    // should be attached. The two elements are split such that the first
                    // is the static part of the path and the second is the dynamic part.
                    // (This split is for performance reasons.) For example, the code
                    // below tells Drupal to load the menu item corresponding to the path
                    // "examples/contextual-links/$id" and attach all this item's
                    // contextual links (which were defined in hook_menu()) to the object
                    // when it is rendered. If the contextual links you are attaching
                    // don't have any dynamic elements in their path, you can pass an
                    // empty array as the second element.
        // Since we are attaching our contextual links to a block, and the Block
        // module takes care of rendering the block in such a way that contextual
        // links are supported, we do not need to do anything else here. When the
        // appropriate conditions are met, the contextual links we have defined
        // will automatically appear attached to the block, next to the "Configure
        // block" link that the Block module itself provides.
        return $block;