function email_example_mail_send

Sends an e-mail.


array $form_values: An array of values from the contact form fields that were submitted. There are just two relevant items: $form_values['email'] and $form_values['message'].

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email_example/email_example.module, line 75


function email_example_mail_send($form_values) {
    // All system mails need to specify the module and template key (mirrored from
    // hook_mail()) that the message they want to send comes from.
    $module = 'email_example';
    $key = 'contact_message';
    // Specify 'to' and 'from' addresses.
    $to = $form_values['email'];
    $from = variable_get('site_mail', '');
    // "params" loads in additional context for email content completion in
    // hook_mail(). In this case, we want to pass in the values the user entered
    // into the form, which include the message body in $form_values['message'].
    $params = $form_values;
    // The language of the e-mail. This will one of three values:
    // - user_preferred_language(): Used for sending mail to a particular website
    //   user, so that the mail appears in their preferred language.
    // - global $language: Used when sending a mail back to the user currently
    //   viewing the site. This will send it in the language they're currently
    //   using.
    // - language_default(): Used when sending mail to a pre-existing, 'neutral'
    //   address, such as the system e-mail address, or when you're unsure of the
    //   language preferences of the intended recipient.
    // Since in our case, we are sending a message to a random e-mail address that
    // is not necessarily tied to a user account, we will use the site's default
    // language.
    $language = language_default();
    // Whether or not to automatically send the mail when drupal_mail() is
    // called. This defaults to TRUE, and is normally what you want unless you
    // need to do additional processing before drupal_mail_send() is called.
    $send = TRUE;
    // Send the mail, and check for success. Note that this does not guarantee
    // message delivery; only that there were no PHP-related issues encountered
    // while sending.
    $result = drupal_mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params, $from, $send);
    if ($result['result'] == TRUE) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Your message has been sent.'));
    else {
        drupal_set_message(t('There was a problem sending your message and it was not sent.'), 'error');