function nodeapi_example_node_load

Implements hook_node_load().

Loads the rating information if available for any of the nodes in the argument list.

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nodeapi_example/nodeapi_example.module, line 109


function nodeapi_example_node_load($nodes, $types) {
    // We can use $types to figure out if we need to process any of these nodes.
    $our_types = array();
    foreach ($types as $type) {
        if (variable_get('nodeapi_example_node_type_' . $type, FALSE)) {
            $our_types[] = $type;
    // Now $our_types contains all the types from $types that we want
    // to deal with. If it's empty, we can safely return.
    if (!count($our_types)) {
    // Now we need to make a list of revisions based on $our_types
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        // We are using the revision id instead of node id.
        if (variable_get('nodeapi_example_node_type_' . $node->type, FALSE)) {
            $vids[] = $node->vid;
    // Check if we should load rating for any of the nodes.
    if (!isset($vids) || !count($vids)) {
    // When we read, we don't care about the node->nid; we look for the right
    // revision ID (node->vid).
    $result = db_select('nodeapi_example', 'e')->fields('e', array(
        ->where('e.vid IN (:vids)', array(
        ':vids' => $vids,
    foreach ($result as $record) {
        $nodes[$record->nid]->nodeapi_example_rating = $record->rating;