function theme_nodeapi_example_rating

A custom theme function.

By using this function to format our rating, themes can override this presentation if they wish; for example, they could provide a star graphic for the rating. We also wrap the default presentation in a CSS class that is prefixed by the module name. This way, style sheets can modify the output without requiring theme code.

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function theme_nodeapi_example_rating($variables) {
    $options = array(
        0 => t('Unrated'),
        1 => t('Poor'),
        2 => t('Needs improvement'),
        3 => t('Acceptable'),
        4 => t('Good'),
        5 => t('Excellent'),
    $output = '<div class="nodeapi_example_rating">';
    $output .= t('Rating: %rating', array(
        '%rating' => $options[(int) $variables['rating']],
    $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;