
Same filename in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/page_example/page_example.module
  2. 4.0.x modules/page_example/page_example.module

Module file for page_example_module.



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 * @file
 * Module file for page_example_module.

 * @defgroup page_example Example: Page
 * @ingroup examples
 * @{
 * This example demonstrates how a module can display a page at a given URL.
 * It's important to understand how the menu system works in order to
 * implement your own pages. See the Menu Example module for some insight.
 * @see menu_example

 * Implements hook_help().
 * Through hook_help(), a module can make documentation available to the user
 * for the module as a whole or for specific paths. Where the help appears
 * depends on the $path specified.
 * In the first example below, the help text will appear on the simple page
 * defined in hook_menu below in the region designated for help text.
 * In the second example, the text will be available through the module page as
 * a link beside the module or on the admin help page (admin/help) in the list
 * of help topics using the name of the module. To specify help in the admin
 * section use the module name in the path as in the second case below.
 * @see hook_help()
function page_example_help($path, $arg) {
    switch ($path) {
        case 'examples/page_example/simple':
            // Help text for the simple page registered for this path.
            return t('This is help text for the simple page.');
        case 'admin/help#page_example':
            // Help text for the admin section, using the module name in the path.
            return t("This is help text created in the page example's second case.");

 * Implements hook_permission().
 * Since the access to our new custom pages will be granted based on
 * special permissions, we need to define what those permissions are here.
 * This ensures that they are available to enable on the user role
 * administration pages.
function page_example_permission() {
    return array(
        'access simple page' => array(
            'title' => t('Access simple page'),
            'description' => t('Allow users to access simple page'),
        'access arguments page' => array(
            'title' => t('Access page with arguments'),
            'description' => t('Allow users to access page with arguments'),

 * Implements hook_menu().
 * Because hook_menu() registers URL paths for items defined by the function, it
 * is necessary for modules that create pages. Each item can also specify a
 * callback function for a given URL. The menu items returned here provide this
 * information to the menu system.
 * We will define some menus, and their paths will be interpreted as follows:
 * If the user accesses,
 * the menu system will first look for a menu item with that path. In this case
 * it will find a match, and execute page_example_simple().
 * If the user accesses,
 * the menu system will find no explicit match, and will fall back to the
 * closest match, 'examples/page_example', executing page_example_description().
 * If the user accesses
 *, the menu
 * system will first look for examples/page_example/arguments/1/2. Not finding
 * a match, it will look for examples/page_example/arguments/1/%. Again not
 * finding a match, it will look for examples/page_example/arguments/%/2.
 * Yet again not finding a match, it will look for
 * examples/page_example/arguments/%/%. This time it finds a match, and so will
 * execute page_example_arguments(1, 2). Since the parameters are passed to
 * the function after the match, the function can do additional checking or
 * make use of them before executing the callback function.
 * @see hook_menu()
 * @see menu_example
function page_example_menu() {
    // This is the minimum information you can provide for a menu item. This menu
    // item will be created in the default menu, usually Navigation.
    $items['examples/page_example'] = array(
        'title' => 'Page Example',
        'page callback' => 'page_example_description',
        'access callback' => TRUE,
        'expanded' => TRUE,
    $items['examples/page_example/simple'] = array(
        'title' => 'Simple - no arguments',
        'page callback' => 'page_example_simple',
        'access arguments' => array(
            'access simple page',
    // By using the MENU_CALLBACK type, we can register the callback for this
    // path without the item appearing in the menu; the admin cannot enable the
    // item in the menu, either.
    // Notice that 'page arguments' is an array of numbers. These will be
    // replaced with the corresponding parts of the menu path. In this case a 0
    // would be replaced by 'examples', a 1 by 'page_example', and a 2 by
    // 'arguments.' 3 and 4 will be replaced by whatever the user provides.
    // These will be passed as arguments to the page_example_arguments() function.
    $items['examples/page_example/arguments/%/%'] = array(
        'page callback' => 'page_example_arguments',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access arguments' => array(
            'access arguments page',
        'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    return $items;

 * Constructs a descriptive page.
 * Our menu maps this function to the path 'examples/page_example'.
function page_example_description() {
    return array(
        '#markup' => t('<p>The page_example provides two pages, "simple" and "arguments".</p><p>The <a href="@simple_link">simple page</a> just returns a renderable array for display.</p><p>The <a href="@arguments_link">arguments page</a> takes two arguments and displays them, as in @arguments_link</p>', array(
            '@simple_link' => url('examples/page_example/simple', array(
                'absolute' => TRUE,
            '@arguments_link' => url('examples/page_example/arguments/23/56', array(
                'absolute' => TRUE,

 * Constructs a simple page.
 * The simple page callback, mapped to the path 'examples/page_example/simple'.
 * Page callbacks return a renderable array with the content area of the page.
 * The theme system will later render and surround the content in the
 * appropriate blocks, navigation, and styling.
 * If you do not want to use the theme system (for example for outputting an
 * image or XML), you should print the content yourself and not return anything.
function page_example_simple() {
    return array(
        '#markup' => '<p>' . t('Simple page: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.') . '</p>',

 * A more complex page callback that takes arguments.
 * This callback is mapped to the path 'examples/page_example/arguments/%/%'.
 * The % arguments are passed in from the page URL. In our hook_menu
 * implementation we instructed the menu system to extract the last two
 * parameters of the path and pass them to this function as arguments.
 * This function also demonstrates a more complex render array in the returned
 * values. Instead of just rendering the HTML with a theme('item_list'), the
 * list is left unrendered, and a #theme attached to it so that it can be
 * rendered as late as possible, giving more parts of the system a chance to
 * change it if necessary.
 * Consult @link Render Arrays documentation
 * @endlink for details.
function page_example_arguments($first, $second) {
    // Make sure you don't trust the URL to be safe! Always check for exploits.
    if (!is_numeric($first) || !is_numeric($second)) {
        // We will just show a standard "access denied" page in this case.
        // We actually don't get here.
    $list[] = t("First number was @number.", array(
        '@number' => $first,
    $list[] = t("Second number was @number.", array(
        '@number' => $second,
    $list[] = t('The total was @number.', array(
        '@number' => $first + $second,
    $render_array['page_example_arguments'] = array(
        // The theme function to apply to the #items.
'#theme' => 'item_list',
        // The list itself.
'#items' => $list,
        '#title' => t('Argument Information'),
    return $render_array;

 * @} End of "defgroup page_example".


Title Deprecated Summary
page_example_arguments A more complex page callback that takes arguments.
page_example_description Constructs a descriptive page.
page_example_help Implements hook_help().
page_example_menu Implements hook_menu().
page_example_permission Implements hook_permission().
page_example_simple Constructs a simple page.