function views_ui_pre_render_add_fieldset_markup

Move form elements into fieldsets for presentation purposes.

Many views forms use #tree = TRUE to keep their values in a hierarchy for easier storage. Moving the form elements into fieldsets during form building would break up that hierarchy. Therefore, we wait until the pre_render stage, where any changes we make affect presentation only and aren't reflected in $form_state['values'].

2 string references to 'views_ui_pre_render_add_fieldset_markup'
views_handler::options_form in includes/
Build the options form.
views_plugin::options_form in includes/
Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.


includes/, line 1997


function views_ui_pre_render_add_fieldset_markup($form) {
    foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {
        $element = $form[$key];
        // In our form builder functions, we added an arbitrary #fieldset property
        // to any element that belongs in a fieldset. If this form element has that
        // property, move it into its fieldset.
        if (isset($element['#fieldset']) && isset($form[$element['#fieldset']])) {
            $form[$element['#fieldset']][$key] = $element;
            // Remove the original element this duplicates.
    return $form;